Although there is a common belief that if you spend more on fly fishing gear, youll get more. In situations when long casts are required, such as fishing large rivers, fishing from a float tube, or fishing from the shore, a longer rod is necessary. A shorter rod will make your day much more enjoyable and allow you Tilapia production line to effectively fish these areas without donating too many flies to Mother Nature. A poor quality or wrong type of fly rod is a wonderful way to potentially ruin an otherwise fine day spent fly fishing. keep in mind that buying a more expensive rod will not make you a better caster, only learning to cast will do that.Fly fishing is much easier and much more enjoyable when your fly rod is properly matched to the type of fishing you will be doing. The more line you can hold off and away from the water, the better you will be able to pick up line and cast. The two main considerations you must think about are the length of the rod and the weight of the fly line. But also, keep in mind that practice casting also helps one become an expert angler. These rods can still be used on larger, more open waters, but dont expect to achieve maximum casting performance to reach those rise forms across the river. Simply put, value is what you actually get out of the money you spend and perceived value is what you think you will get out of it. There are two sides to this story. Longer rods also make mending your line a much easier task. As with anything else you purchase, there is value and there is perceived value. Having the right fly rod can make all the difference between putting fish in the net and coming away skunked.. Fly Rod Length For fishing tight spots such as small streams and creeks with overhanging brush and minimal casting space, a shorter rod in the 6 76 class is ideal for these conditions. It makes the difference between being able to reach that rising trout and being just a few yards short. So, my point is this, if there is anyplace that an angler should not skimp on when putting together a fly fishing outfit, it is the fly rod. For float tube fishing or deep wading, a 9 rod is needed to cast effectively because of your low position in the water. I am not advertising them, I only want you to take a look as a Canned salmon production line point of reference, and check out as many other places as you like, but find one you like and one that fits comfortably in your hand. A good fly rod often makes the difference between precise casts and casts that are just wide of the mark. For the most part, the terms are there for a reason and will help you be more specific when narrowing down your decisions and your gear. For optimal performance, it must match the fly rod you will be using.00 or more will cast better than most anglers can with it. Dont be intimidated by all the special terminology used by fly fishermen. Many float tubers even opt for longer rods in the 96 10 lengths. My personal favorite is cabelas, I included the link for you to take a look. Whatever you decide is up to you and what you can afford. Having said that lets move on to choosing the right Fly rod. This is true because the longer rods will allow you to hold more line off the water. . Now days the art of making fly rods has become so good that if you buy any rod for 100. Fly Rods : A fly rod is a crucial piece of equipment for fly fishing. Medium length rods in the 8 8 ½ range can be used on medium-sized streams and small rivers or any time when long distance casts are not the norm. Your first piece of sporting equipment should be your fly rod. Here is a general guideline to help you choose the proper fly rod. Fly line weight can be described as the diameter and density of the line