你會同情人去~同BFF去~定係一大班朋友去瘋瀡呢? https://blog.ulifestyle.com.hk/blogger/sang0728/?p=2350955 http://www.weshare.hk/kasang0728/articles/4542970 http://lamhome2002.blogspot.hk/2015/07/slide-city-hk-248.html http://www.seewide.com/space-article-id-203095.html 22/8同23/8門票已經售罄喇, 24/8只剩少量門票!同邊個去都好, 撲飛最緊要快!!! ➡ www.slidethecity.hk Slide the City with your lover, BFF or buddies? 22/8 & 23/8 tickets all sold out. Limited tickets available for 24/8! Grab your tickets now ➡ www.slidethecity.hk #slidethecity #slidethecityhk #hksummer 共有4款不同的體驗門票種類可供選擇,每款門票的體驗時間、配備及票價均有所不同!活動日兩星期前會開設門票換領站,參加者將透過所登記之電郵收到通知,密切留意~ 購票網站: www.slidethecity.hk You can choose from the 4 slider tiers. The price range depends on the number of times down the slide and Slider Pack items. Pick-up counters will be set up 2 weeks in advance of the event. We will send you updates via your registered email. Stay tuned! Ticketing Website: www.slidethecity.hk 識玩一定玩日頭無限次 由朝玩黑! 提提你出發之前記得買旅遊保險啦! https://goo.gl/UEWzjY 用呢條link買旅遊保險可以有8折優惠: https://goo.gl/m117b9 如你喜歡,請給個LIKE^^以後提供更多資訊給你 https://www.facebook.com/INTBUY/timeline 其他遊記 http://www.weshare.hk/kasang0728 http://lamhome2002.blogspot.hk/ http://travel.fanpiece.com/lam728/ http://www.seewide.com/space-1538.html http://lamhome2002.blogspot.hk/ 如有聯絡查詢 KASANG0728@GMAIL.COM : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :