如果林嘉緯是華人中場指揮官的代表人物,香港飛馬的利馬就是外援進攻中場的標誌好手。 三臨香江 利馬在2012年年初加盟南華,與迪亞高成為南華期望甚高的攻擊球員。可是好景不常,他在3月因韌帶撕裂而提早「收咧」,甚至因為和前球會的合約問題,無奈提早與南華解約。一年多後,利馬催護重來,為南華效力一季。直到15年夏天,香港飛馬羅致了利馬,經過兩個球季,他與太太在港結婚,半年前兒子也在香江出生,一家在香港落地生根。相信不少球迷朋友不難在場外「野生捕獲」這位「堅●慈父」,他手抱BB的慈愛模樣完全發自內心,笑容與罰球皆是其「金漆招牌」。 Playmaker標記 利馬個子不高,可是相當靈活,配合秀麗腳法和獨到的傳送,令飛馬的中前場行軍更有效率。無論與上季港超神射手之一阿杜域,還是同鄉迪亞高,都是最佳的攻擊拍擋。另外,不得不提的是他的招牌罰球,他的罰球往往帶有強勁下墜和旋轉力量,角度刁鑽。很多時候令對方門將束手無策,甚至因此就擒。可謂集林嘉緯與鞠盈智的優點於一身,他的遠射能力也不讓二人專美,侵略性更是有過之而無不及。 快樂、滿足’ 能夠長留香江比賽令利馬感到快樂及滿足,這位巴西中場指揮官說:「在這裡比賽如同在家鄉獻技一樣,無論比賽結果如何,球迷都總是支持我。」球場以外,利馬的興趣都是環繞足球。他希望將來完成大學學位之餘,同時能成為一位教練。他最愛的外國隊伍是皇家馬德里,全因它是典型的大球會。陣中皇牌球星C朗更是他心中的「世界最佳」,他十分勤力,每天都要證明自己是最佳,精益求精。利馬在7年前曾經歷十字韌帶傷患,他直言那時是他職業生涯最糟糕的時刻,令他十分傷心。然而傷患令他變得更強,並向大家展現出來。 João Emir Porto Pereira, is an attacking midfield player of the Hong Kong Premier league Side, Hong Kong Pegasus. If Lam Ka Wai is the representative of the keymaker of local player, Joao is the remarkable attacking midfielder among the foreign player. It is because we can find a variety of characteristic as this position from him. For an instance, fantastic freekick, long shot, dribbling and key pass. Emir thinks that playing in Hong Kong is a big pleasure for him, “The feeling of playing here is same as playing in home. No matter what the result is, everyone support us.” On the other hand, his interests beside of football is keep working with football, maybe in the future he wants to achieve graduation in some university and become a coach. In the professional football around the world, Emir’s favourite player is Christano Ronaldo because he is hard-working and hence proves that he is the best everyday. Looks back into the worst time into career, he said, ‘My ligament injury was the worse time in my football life, cause in that time I was with 21 years old and make me so sad. However that injury comes to make me more stronger than before, and has been showed in the games after.”