In Elden Ring, Tanith is in charge over Volcano Manor and runs the recusant faction. When players have killed Rykard, Lord of Blasphemy and acquire his Great Rune, she leaves the manor together with the other surviving NPCs that reside in it. The majority of Elden Ring Runes players won't meet her again, however, she will be seen at one more place in the game.Where will Tanith go after leaving Volcano Manor in Eldenring? The surprise of Tanith's narrative during Elden Ring is that she never leaves the grounds of the manor. Players can find her in the same area they battled Rykard within and even speak to her once more.Oh, yeah, she's eating the remains from Rykard's corpse. She's totally off of her rocker, and she'll spend the remainder of the game trying to devour the remains. When players attack her she'll throw her gear away. Her Crucible Knight bodyguards will appear and fight. If defeated drop Aspects of the Crucible Breath.Even though this may be the final chapter of Tanith's tale in the game's final episode, it was likely in the plan to see another glimpse of her. In the leaked datamined script from the closed-network test players were likely to have encountered Patches again at some point, and he would have presented them with an item and requested that they deliver it to Cheap Elden Ring Runes Tanith. Since she rejected The Two Fingers and the Greater Will, it's possible she could have been involved in one of the endings.Elden Ring: Where To Find The Icerind Hatchet