While such activities are mildly therapeutic, it's time being bored doing the same activity over and over - time that might or may instead be spent with RS Gold a few shorter, but not less popular video games.Instead of being a single combat, RuneScape is a painstaking combat that's both long and grueling, and never ends. However, it can be immensely rewarding if one is willing to invest the time in it, which I was. At least for a year or so.I've never played any MMORPGs until now, to my eternal sorrow and shame. My real-life worries are numerous and I just cannot afford to let them suck me in. Of all games they're the most time-consuming, with endless levels to climb and things to get. Many have died as a result of hours-long binge sessions of RuneScape's less popular but famous sibling World of Warcraft that I guess also makes it one of the most frightening games.Nowadays, you'll generally find me in Quake as well as Half-Life or hanging out on Team Fortress 2 - games which are in full force make a mark on me and are gone quickly. It's great to be able to play games that I love and go on to forget about it quickly, rather than having to think about how many logs of wood are in my possession or where I'll be fishing next week.It's true that I do miss some of the grind that never ends and long-term commitment (and pain) that is RuneScape. Now in its third incarnation as 'RuneScape 3' (from 2013) with added content and a graphical upgrade, there's some glimmer of hope that maybe I'll return to osrs account sale it just to check how it's getting on, just like I would with an old friend.