As long as there are interior and exterior painting companies in WA, Exterior house staining will never be a problem. Painting houses in Washington has become a regular practice to a lot of washer companies here. Being the rainiest state in US, stained walls come second in the list of problems that we have to deal with everyday. Staying dry comes first of course. At WA, pressure washing is the number one service a washing company can offer. A lot of them invest in it. It ranges from $20,000 to a hundred thousand bucks but it's a good thing to know that high end equipment and low-end equipment does not differ that much with what it can do. Sure, the high end equipment can accomplish the work faster but remember that you're not just investing on a pressure washing alone. You'll also have to invest on other equipments such as a truck or van that will carry your equipment with you. A small car can not accommodate your equipment and people at the same time so it's imperative that you buy one as well. You'll also need water hoses and high pressure hoses and tips to. Turbo Nozzle comes in next. It is used for cleaning concrete but not woods. A powerful x-jet, which helps you shoot spray on hard to reach surfaces without ladder or going thru a hose, is also a must. So if you're just a starter with a limited budget, you might want to try it slower but efficient at the same time. What is more, at WA, painting is conducive to the maintenance . As a matter of fact, it's one of the most crucial steps you have to take. Exterior painting protects your house from weather damage. It must stand extreme weather and climate such as winter snow, hails, thunderstorms or even summer heat wave. If done correctly, you will be saved from spending a thousand bucks for next year's maintenance fee. Painting is a do-it-yourself task. Often times, it is easy and enjoyable but if you don't trust yourself, there are many washing and painting companies that offer less expensive package deal for painting services. You can browse on-line or read your yellowing yellow pages beside you phone. They are all one call away.Ithas never been so easy to live in Washington even with all the clamatic changes. With the right investment, it's not just your house that will be protected from the weather your pockets will also be safe from maintenance fee.