What it does is it inhibits the body to pump the extra acid into the stomach.Working of NexiumNexium is a proton pump inhibitor. Generally, surgery is seen as one time final medication.Cause of Acid Reflux or GERDThe cause of Acid reflux is due 24/410 Treatment Pump with PP full cover to the flow of extra stomach acid into the esophagus of a person.Using these medications will not be a difficult decision to make. However, all have their own advantages and side-effects. The stomach does this by pumping proton or Hydrogen ions, forming acids. If the study is to be taken around 60 million people in US are affected by acid reflux.We know that the problem of acid reflux or GERD Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease is very common.Not much physical side effects and healing process to undergo as with surgery. The aim should be to get over your condition of acid reflux and enjoy life normally. However, if surgery and intake of drugs are equally effective, then it is always better to opt for drugs like Nexium or Prilosec.Of course, proper consultation with your physician is always advisable, while selecting for decisions like this. However, the good news is that these medicines are said to be as effective as surgery.This helps with:-No preparation as with undergoing surgery. So, by inhibiting these extra protons, Nexium helps to alleviate the condition of patients suffering from acid reflux. So, you can buy nexium easily, as they are easily available for use. A drug as popular as Nexium, which contains esomeprazole as its content, is as effective as you are undergoing surgery for acid reflux. However, a proper discipline in food habits will help alleviate the situation until some level. You can just go for them instantly.Other than esomeprazole or Nexium, there are other proton pump inhibitors and antacids too, which helps curing acid reflux.ConclusionSurgery is a very major procedure and should be opted at last.May prove cost-effective, even in long term run.These drugs like Nexium are drugs. This acid is generally secreted by the body to digest the food. This again comes with breathing difficulty and suffocated feeling.Treatment Surgery or NexiumFor an effective solution many people select surgery or very highly effective drugs like Nexium for treating acid reflux. But avoiding all the high acid foods and maintaining food discipline is very difficult task to carry ahead throughout the life. However, when this acid flows into esophagus, it creates unwanted reaction causing heartburn feeling. So, many people also opt for surgery at times, when they want a permanent solution to acid reflux. At serious condition it may damage the esophagus completely and may prove serious health problem and shorten your lifetime. On this backdrop, it is very important to know some facts about the treatment of acid reflux.However, the recent health study reveals that surgery and drugs intake is at par, when though of medication for acid reflux.Most of the time the cause of acid reflux is due to certain type of food that may prove hostile for a persons body and thus the person may suffer from acid reflux.