第二次參加阿拉伯婚禮是兩年前應女同事邀請,於卡塔爾出席的婚禮。由於同事家庭背景不俗,故婚宴於當地五星級酒店舉行。The second time I attended Arabic wedding was two years ago when my female colleague got married in a five-star hotel in Qatar. 最近一次參加的是兩星期前應男同事邀請,於活動禮堂舉行的婚禮,請柬詳情可在這裏重溫: The one I attended lately was taken place at a local wedding hall in Qatar, please click the below link for details on invitation card. https://blog.ulifestyle.com.hk/blogger/remmicinthemiddleast/2015/02/mabrook-恭喜恭喜-阿拉伯請柬/ 由於男女是分開慶祝的關係,而我又已體驗過女賓場地的宴會,便與其他女友人提議到男賓慶祝場地跟男同事道賀,他亦同意!Since male and female celebration are separated and I have been to other female hall before, we asked the groom whether we could go to the male section to see and congratulate him, and he said YES. 怎料到場後,場內負責人問我們為什麼到場,又是誰允許我們拍照,結果照片只是在門外拍了一張。However, the venue in charge questioned us what we were there and who allow us taking pictures! 我們打算入場與男同事即新郎道賀,送上祝福,拍照留念,怎料又遇上貌似長輩的男士微言。我們估計,大概是從來都沒有女士斗膽現身男賓部,你們幾個打扮豔麗的非當地女子,竟敢沒披黑袍出現,所為何事?We planned to say hi to him and have a look around the venue, however, someone look like his senior family member commented on our arrival. So we left within 10 minutes without taking some pictures. 男賓部一般是由晚上六時開始招待客人,有自助餐供應,眾人吃飯談天,席上是當然是沒有美酒,由於我們到場後不足十分鐘便被要求離開,未能完全看清場內活動,但所見的只有賓客食飯和聊天,舞台也沒有,佈置十分簡單。Normally, male celebration starts at 6pm, offer guests buffet and people mingle, of course there will not be alcohol. What we saw in a glimpse was a big hall with food and chairs, not even a stage or other decoration. 而女賓部一般是由晚上八時開始招待客人,場外有幾名女保安員執勤,為的是幫你保管黑袍及手機,因為場內只有女士才可進場,而她們亦會份外打扮,除下黑袍進場,在場內爭妍鬥麗,絕對不容許這樣性感的照片外洩,因此手機相機通通禁止進場!For female celebration, it starts at around 8pm, a few female security guards were there at the entrance to collect your Abaya and mobiles. Since only female is allowed and everyone would dress up prettily , so when the abayas are off, it's time to show off. For sure , no picture is allowed to be sneaked out from the night, so mobile or camera is prohibited! 大廳中央有類似行cat walk 的台,供賓客大展舞技,並大展身材和衣裳!試想想,她們只能在女性派對中才可毫無約束地除下黑袍頭紗,這麼難得的機會又怎會不捉實呢!而新娘就獨自坐在最遠處,情況跟阿曼那一次相約。There is a stage in the middle of the hall, all guests are welcome to dance there. And the bride would sit in the far end in the middle, like what the Omani wedding was. 大概十時左右叔伯兄弟團就會從男賓場地開車到女賓場地繼續慶祝,情形就似我們的接新娘吧!不過他們只是去見新娘而不是接新娘!哈!Nearly 10pm, the groom party arrived at the female celebration hall. 很遺憾不能拍照留念,因為這時是全晚我認為最有趣和氣勢的時間,女賓知道兄弟團快到臨,全場人會穿回黑袍頭紗等他們進場。全場會在五分鐘內由七彩繽紛變成黑嘛嘛,十分有趣!If camera is allowed, I would have taken so much pictures about this moment when the groom party entered the hall, because everyone inside would take their abayas and put it back on. The whole hall will turn from blinky and colourful into black only in 5 minutes.Very interesting! 接着是新郎和團隊上台‘接’新娘,並拍照。其後自助餐才會開放供享用,這時其實已經是晚上十一時半…………因為有了上一次的經驗,我們到場前已先吃過飯!Then the groom party will go on the stage and take pictures with the bride. After all this , buffet dinner will be served, and it is already 11.30 pm. 下次有機會參加阿拉伯婚禮女賓慶祝會的話,建議大家事先安排晚餐,亦不用那麼早到場!If you have a chance to attend an Arabic wedding female celebration, have some food before you go! 請親臨多哈 。阿嚕哈 Doha.Aloha Facebook專頁: https://www.facebook.com/dohaloha