記得第一次參加阿拉伯婚禮是四年前在阿曼的時候,早前提及男女是分開慶祝的,我應男同事邀請, 出席在女家大宅的晚宴慶祝會。 由於那是我和香港同事都是第一次參加中東的婚禮,心情非常興奮,並應主人家邀請為女賓,新郎說可以早點到,女家親戚已在,還可為我們畫點Henna, 便應約下午四五點到達。 / We got invited to a male colleague's wedding celebration in Oman 4 years ago, since male and female celebrate separately, we arrived to the bride-to-be 's house early around 4-5pm. 慶祝會地點其實只是女家宅旁的空地,撘了小台,舖了地氈而成,十分簡單。/ The stage was a simple small one next to the house. 初到達,而有幾名親友籍地而坐,雖然雞同鴨講,但大家都很熱情招待我們,首先以生果招待,再有阿拉伯咖啡,糕點。/ Few of the bride's family was there and greet us with a passion smile. We were given fruits, arabic coffee and desserts as welcoming snacks. 怎料食完生果,飲完咖啡,雖然有很多問題想問,由於言語不通,婚禮程序無法問曉,你眼望我眼……我跟同事亦呆坐,對望,大笑……不繼重覆。呆坐了一小時左右,堅信Henna這個環節一定存在,我便四處遊蕩,尋找此人。 Since we do not know Arabic, no matter how many questions we had about the wedding, we can't get any answer unfortunately and we didn't know what's going on. Me and my colleague looked at each other and laugh, and it repeats for like an hour. And we get up and search for anyone who can do some Henna for us. 但不果! But We can't. 繼續呆等……keep waiting. 但眼見某幾個女子手上有Henna圖案,我們便不怕羞,指手劃腳話想要畫Henna, 其中一女子就從屋中拿來用具幫我們畫!Since we saw some other ladies with Henna drawn on the arm, so we asked around and we finally found it! 畫Henna跟等乾,大概用了一小時,差不多七點,亦未見有其他親友到達,更不用說新娘新郎!After an hour, we still didn't see the groom nor the bride. 我們生果已吃,咖啡已喝,Henna 已畫,照片已拍,也只是過了兩小時,而想見的人一個都未出現! 我們倆悶了,餓了,累了,再呆了。We were bored, starved, tired. 等了又等,到八時多,陸續有其他穿著七彩華麗的女賓到場,亦終於有飯食,唯一的菜式就是一大盆飯配一大隻羊腿放上面,賓客就會圍住一盆用手食用,以我所見,全場大概有十盆左右,味道還不差。/Finally , food was served at around 8-9pm, it was a stewed lamb leg on a super big place with rice. 大家吃到七七八八後,大概九時左右,新娘就步入場地,(不知道從哪裡來的!?)一個人上台安坐,而音樂響起,台下女賓就跳舞暢歡,新娘獨自在台上。After 9pm, the bride walked in and get to the stage and sit there alone, music was on and the female guests were dancing and celebrating. 再一會後,新郎和眾男方團隊就攜同樂器進場,慢慢步向台上,親友就於新郎新娘頭和身上灑下阿曼紙幣OMR 1,大概等同港幣十元,以示祝福!其後親戚就拍照留念。A while later, the groom and the team entered and played musical instruments and walked towards the stage. Family members threw OMR1 notes over the couple for blessing. 奇怪的是,席上除了我和同事倆以外,全沒有其他賓客拍照!亦不見有任何賓客與新娘交流!The weird thing was that no guest went up and take photos with the bride. 完成儀式已是晚上十一時多,親熟們還有下一場,就是會開一群車隊到酒店或活動禮堂慶祝,而沿途該車隊亦會不停響安,以示慶祝!The celebration at the house finished at around 11pm, and the family will go for the next celebration which will be taking place at a hotel function hall. It is normal to honk all the way when they are driving to the hall. 我們太累,沒有去了,但沿途零晨時份響安的情境真是大開眼界!我個人就不太欣賞!We didn't join because we were just too tired. 下次再談卡塔爾婚禮。Will talk about the wedding at Qatar next time. 請親臨多哈 。阿嚕哈 Doha.Aloha Facebook專頁: https://www.facebook.com/dohaloha