You see, sometimes just walk in freezer Suppliers the idea of making a cold call causes you to talk more loudly, and with a lot of forward energy momentum.But most cold calls break down the moment the other person feels all that enthusiasm. Why? Because with high enthusiasm, prospects feel sort of boxed in. They feel the pressure of your expectations. They feel pushed by someone they dont know, and who knows nothing about them. So its much better to talk in a natural, conversational way, just as if you were talking with a friend. When youre being a relaxed and natural, the difference is amazing.The old cold calling approach encourages you to be confident that the person youre calling should seriously consider buying what you have to offer. Its a taken-for-granted assumption that if they fit your profile, your product or service should be a fit for them. But really, how much sense does it make to have assumptions about someone you've never spoken with, much less had a conversation with? How much can you possibly know about their problems, issues, needs, time frame, budget, decision making process, or other key information?Can you imagine how it feels to the person on the other end of the phone when you presume to know whats best for them? They dont know you, and they dont trust you. So people naturally move into a defensive place. So its best to move away from making any assumptions when you make your cold calls. Approach your prospects from a modest, humble position. Avoid coming to the conversation already convinced in your own mind that they should be a fit. This way, you'll eliminate sales pressure, which triggers that defensive reaction.