"Oh yes," sneered Drayton. "You had time to take special notice of the size of the paper HK Business Registration. You'd no business there; and I have a good mind to thrash you within an inch of your life." Joe laughed at this furious threat. "I didn't know you owned the garden, or I would have kept out of it. As for thrashing, you know I don't thrash easy, even by a boy of your size. You tried it once. If you think it will help you out of your scrape, you can try it again." Drayton looked amazed. Here was little Joe Chester not only defying him, but actually laughing at his threat as if it were a joke. "Well, I'll tell you what it is, Chester: if you breathe a word about this I will have my revenge somehow." Chester began to look fierce now himself hong kong company registrar. "Come, Drayton, you have blustered and fumed long enough. You had better change your course. I am not easily frightened." Drayton had reached the same conclusion, and, changing his tone, said almost pleadingly,-- "Chester, if I am found out in this I'll be sent home, and my father would be awfully cut up if I had to leave this school. He is in a hurry to get me into college, and this would put me back if I get expelled. Don't you tell what you know, will you, Joe?" Then he added hurriedly, "! I knew it as soon as I tore out the first leaf, which happened to be from Mr. Bernard's book. After that was gone, I was in for the business, and I just rushed it through." "What put such a silly joke into your head?" asked Joe, curious to have that explained. "Oh, Ben Carver and I planned it together. We thought it would be fun to get up a fuss over the books; but Ben backed out." "Then Ben Carver knows it too?" asked Joe, with a sigh of relief, as if his burden were lightened by this assurance that some one else shared the secret. "Yes, Carver knows, but I can trust him. He will just as soon lie as not, though he hadn't the pluck to carry out the plan. It all rests with you, Chester: if you will stand by me I shall come through all right." "Well, Drayton, I'll do anything I can, except lie hong kong offshore account, for you. You needn't ask that." "What if Bernard asks if you know?"