Tiffany herself, has always had a passion for colour and cosmetics, her mother is a licensed cosmetologist and taught her from an early age all about skin care. This business will also do better with the more traditional marketing strategies of person to person referrals. Whilst not being a network marketing compensation plan there is a potential to earn some reasonable income from this opportunity. There is much more of an opportunity to leverage your time and also to expand your warm market exponentially.This company was founded by Tiffany Fluhme and has been going for over 10 years now.The Fluhme Foundation was set up in October 2009, its purpose is to help children across the nation who are suffering from diseases that threaten life.This is a company called Fluhme and their head quarters are in Pittsburgh, they deal in the beauty market niche. The company will even give you free products to help you out with your events. There is also the facility to build a team under you and be paid on their sales also. She has herself worked in the industry with some of the top specialists.99 for which you will be blessed with $700 worth of products for your first few beauty events!With Fluhme you are not a distributor, but a 'Fluhme Beauty Artist'.I also get the impression that this opportunity is more suited for women who already have an interest and experience in the cosmetics industry.To get started with Fluhme will cost you a minimum. It is possible that marketing your business online could reap some rewards for you.Home meetings Plastic Essential Oil Bottles Suppliers and one to one prospecting will work best with this opportunity. It appears that they are fairly unknown in the industry but are gaining momentum..They sell Italian skin care & cosmetic products designed to make you look great! This is an opportunity geared towards the ladies and those that are interested in beauty and the cosmetics industry. There are various posts around that say you need to qualify with three hundred dollars worth of sales each month in order to stay qualified to receive payment.You want to make sure of what you will be paid, there is a maximum earnings on products of 45% of the retail price which is pretty good, but you probably won't earn that from day 1, you will need to qualify for it. By using the products yourself and looking good you will naturally create interest from many people I'm sure.It's actually quite difficult to find any information on the compensation plan anywhere, so if you are considering joining then you had better contact the company for more information.Fluhme prefer you to host your own beauty events to sell products, and for this type of business it could work very well.99 for the basic starter kit, or for those who are more serious you can opt for the. This does not appear to have the power to build deep passive income, but is more on a 1 tier payment system.