Have you ever prepared Turkish coffee? If you have not, then you need to prepare it through a specialized turkish coffee maker. The preparation of the beverage is also done through a different way. Let us go through the preparation procedure in a more detailed way in the following paragraphs. The beverage is prepared through the help of a specifically designed pot, known as cezve. Preparing coffee the Turkish way can be achieved best through the use of this particular pot. The handle as well the entire body is made from copper, aluminum, brass, steel, or even ceramic. During the ancient times, such pots were even being made from gold or silver. Such expensive material made items can be seen today only at houses of royal celebrities, but are quite rare. If you are preparing it for a single person, then pour half tablespoonful of coffee into the pot. If you want strong flavoring, then a little bit more coffee can be added. Then, add one and a half teaspoonful of sugar into the pot. Add normal water in to the pot. Place the pot over stove onto mild flame. In fact, it is better to put the flame in the lowest range possible. Then, start stirring the mixture. After a minute or so, stop stirring. Soon, you will find that a foamed layer is getting displayed. As the foam starts to thicken, you will find the color is also getting darker. During this time, you need to take some foam into the serving mug. Suddenly, you may find that the coffee mixture put over flame is rising. This is the time when you need to take the Cezve off the flame and pour it onto the cup or serving mug. A fine beverage to enjoy during the cold winter!