Think Positive Life is controlled by our own mind. When we think to positive side, things may totally changed. This week, I feel sad because Mother- in-law blamed me without a reason (again) last Sunday. I hate her, and then the anger transferred to my husband, her son. I hate her and then the anger transferred and affected my life (this week). I think that life is so boring and full of sadness....STOP!!! Today is Friday, that bitch affected me for 5 days already! I realized the terrorist is running around in my brain, it's time to get rid of it! Today, I promised myself to leave office earlier than usual (before 6pm), pick my love, BB, as early as possible, and have a very fine dinner with BB and husband(and his best friend). And, go to sea side to play with BB. And then back home to play toys and games with BB. Have a very happy time and enjoy my life~ CHEERS~ Life is odd. Many of my friends said they can't imagine that I have "Mother-in law Problems". But I got it since I am arranging my wedding....... Hope that my life can get rid of this lady as soon as possible. She always ruin my happy emotion. I must win her in this fight. Tonight, go to look at her firmly, firmly and firmly. Make her scare me. Let her know I should be respected. Tonight, I must win back my respect!