上月從BE Forum得知美國人氣品牌 Sigma化妝掃(點這裡) 正在做免國際運費的Special offer (美國至香港運費一般都要USD30-40)膽粗粗買了SET Kabuki掃試下一用之下 就像發現新大陸一樣 其實以往一直知道很多blogger用後都十分推薦 而且youtube上也有不少外國著名用家都會用sigma掃來示範妝容但一想到運費高昂而且代購沒有保證 就一直不敢下手 今天終於收到了: 真的驚為天人啊而且以set 裝購入的話你會發現價錢比莎莎卓悅較有品質的化妝掃還要相宜啊平均每支只需HKD$120 SYNTHETIC KABUKI KIT 4 BRUSHES USD$62 點擊圖片放大 USD$62 的價格包括了 F80 - Flat Kabuki™: Application of liquid or cream products to flat areas of the face such as the forehead and cheeks.F82 - Round Kabuki™: Blend mineral products onto the skin.F84 - Angled Kabuki™: Buff cream blush or bronzer onto the skin.F86 - Tapered Kabuki™: Apply cream and liquid foundations onto the harder to reach contours of the face.(送) E05 - Eye Liner: Create smooth and even lines.還有一張保養說明書及一份產品介紹單張 附有的catalog 解釋主要10支化妝掃的用法 亦有說明如何去保養化妝掃: The First Clean - We recommend cleaning your new Sigma brushes by using a mild brush cleanser prior to your first use. When cleaning your brushes, do not fully submerge or wet the brush beyond the metal ferrule as this may cause damage to the handle and loosen the ferrule.The Spot Clean - Daily spot cleaning can be done by using a brush cleanser solution and soft tissue or wash cloth. Add a small amount of brush cleanser to the tissue and gently wipe the bristles back and forth until they are clean.The Deep Clean - Deep cleaning your Sigma brushes is recommended once a week. Brush cleanser or mild shampoo is ideal for washing, sanitizing and conditioning brushes. Wet your brush with the fluffy part pointing downwards so you don't get the ferrule wet or drip water down the handle. Place a small amount of cleanser in your hand and gently swirl the brush in the cleanser in a circular motion and rinse. Repeat until all color leaves the brush and squeeze out any excess water. To keep your brushes well-shaped and decrease drying time, we recommend placing them in the Dry'n Shape -- Sigma's patented system guaranteed to dry and shape your brushes within 4-6 hours! 因為一支品質好的掃如果配合適當的護理至少可以用上4至5年!相反如果胡亂使用沐浴露橄欖油等去清潔及保養的話就等如將它打入冷宮 永不錄用! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 1. E05 - Eye liner (這個是送的) ♥ "A GIFT FOR YOU" ♥ (價值USD10) 果然非常實用的禮物雖然是Travel Size 但桃紅色的它顯得非常有存在感!! 點擊圖片放大 纖維質地柔軟 長短適中 容易描繪 上揚眼線SO EASY! 2. F80 - Flat Kabuki 好濃密啊(眼睛發光)這支掃主要用於來上濕粉的平頭設計配合90度的上妝手法可將粉底填平面上所有瑕疵 尤其鼻頭鼻翼的黑頭 都有良好的遮瑕作用 而且短毛的平掃比長毛更容易駕馭可以極速上完一個又薄又貼的零瑕疵妝容 以手背示範, 隨意點上粉底液 用後上了粉的地方貼薄非常 膚色均勻 不會一韃韃 全素顏真人示範(嚇): 用在面上更能看到它的威力啊沒有用任何遮瑕產品 肌膚都能變得細緻 看上去毛孔都隱藏了♥ 3. F82 - Round Kabuki 用這支圓頭刷來上密粉真的一流無論blend 礦物粉或用來上碎粉都不會零妝容變的厚重而且size剛好fit 到鼻翼鼻樑的位置 毛質軟滑 上粉時感覺超舒服! 毛量特多 吸塵機的化身(誤) 4. F84 - Angled Kabuki 斜角胭脂掃 (有時會拿來上粉餅♥) 5. F86 - Tapered Kabuki 尖頭掃主要替一些面上較難畫的部位例如眼肚鼻翼線等上粉不過老實說除非時間非常充裕否則這支通常都不會用到 尤其早上趕返工就更難啊因為Round Kabuki 已經能夠兼顧了 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ 呢SET Sigma 掃雖然沒有像Travel Kit 一樣有包Travel 收納桶但因為我已經有太多眼影掃Kabuki Set相信會是一個不錯的入門set 所以我強烈推介啦 有燒到不妨按個讚吧♥♥