Finally, rinse the area thoroughly with plain water and you can get back paint freeconcrete surface.Ma. However, removing dried paint from concrete requires a lot of effortsand is time-consuming too as the paint has already entered into the porous surface of theconcrete.More related information and details of the topic in the links below:carpet stainremoval, coffee dye wine paint, stain removal auckland. This is a highly expensive machineand you can get it on rent from the local home improvement stores. It is not recommendedfor concrete that are already cracked or chipped as its damaging effect can be so bad thatyou have to go for immediate concrete repair. Once the maximum amount of paint is out ofthe concrete, rub the spot with a nylon brush after pouring some scouring powder and waterto scrub out the soft paint residues. It has a vacuum attachment which then cleans up thereleased beads, dusts and paint debris by suction. Therefore, it should be used only inthose cases where the paint stains are really bad. Therefore, you have to use specialtechniques to pull out the paint accumulated in those pores. Theresa Galan Means ofRemoving Paint Off Your Concrete Surface Free Articles | May 21, 2012 Paint removalfrom a concrete surface is undoubtedly a challenging task. A few important methods thatwill help you in the task are discussed below: Methodsnow brush with scraper manufacturers1: UsePaint Strippers The most popular technique to remove paint from concrete involves use ofchemical strippers. The machine should be moved on the concrete carefully at such a pacethat it does not strip off any concrete. They are found in the form of gel. The area whereit will be used, should have proper ventilation and any furnaces or boilers or pilotlight kept in the region should be turned off. Apply the gel on the paint and allow it tosettle for a while on it. Avoid using chemical strippers that are toxic in nature. Theonly difference is that it throws out tiny metal beads instead of sand. It is slightlyeasier if the paint stains are still fresh. Then, take a thick plastic scraper and stripoff the gel along with the paint from the concrete surface. Soy-based strippers areconsidered as safe as they are non toxic and are easy to use. While implementing any ofthem, you should be patient as you may have to repeat them a number of times before youcan get rid of the paint completely. If the paint coat is thick, it will require morethan one application. How to Clean Paint Off Concrete Surface In this section, we aregoing to discuss different ways of removing dried paint from concrete surface. In suchcases, you can try to clean up water based paint by soaking it in water for some time andthen scrub it with harsh detergent and a hard bristled brushIf it is an oil based paint, then you can apply solvents like turpentine or acetone onit to dissolve out the paint. If you wish to use them on some stubborn paint stains, takeall possible precautionary measures. This will loosen up the tough, dry paint to someextent. Method #2: Use Shot Blaster Shot blasting equipment can be used to get rid ofstubborn paint from # concrete quite effectively. Shot blasting often cause extensivedamage to the surface of the concrete. Its working principle is quite similar to that ofsandblaster. The best part of chemical stripper is that you can reuse the same gel stripagain and again on the stain. The abrasive material forced out under high pressure on theaffected spot of concrete surface helps in paint removal. A number of variety of strippingagents can be found in the market. They show quick action but are harmful for the eyes,skin and cause environmental pollution. You can use them on all types of paints includingthe water resistant ones