What is an actuator?The term “actuator” comes from the word “actuate,” which means to operate. An actuator “operates” by taking its electrical energy source and signal input, then translating those into some form of motion. That motion can be either rotational or linear. 11LS13-0754N-150CThe types of actions an actuator can take include the following:– Open or close– Push or pull– Lift or dropA linear actuator stepper motor is a machine that translates its motor’s rotational motion into linear motion. This type of actuator moves a load of some kind from one point on a straight line to another. There are a number of different types of linear actuators. In this post, motors for screw-driven linear actuators (as pictured below) will be discussed.A linear actuator motor translates its rotational motion into linear motion by way of an attached lead screw and nut. The motor produces rotational motion with its rotor. As the attached lead screw turns with the motor, the lead screw nut, which is usually attached to a carriage, moves forward in a straight line. Generally speaking, the more threads per square inch and the smaller the pitch, the slower the movement and the better suited the system is for higher loads. The fewer the threads per square inch and the higher the pitch, the faster the motion and the more appropriate the system is for smaller loads.How do you choose the right motor for your linear actuator?Selecting the appropriate motor for your linear actuator involves considering a few variables, including linear actuator position (horizontal, on the side or vertical) as well as load, stroke length and speed. Other variables include drive type, whether that be lead screw, belt drive or rack. Lastly, you may need to consider a few product requirements, such as temperature, water resistance, underwater use, FDA compliance or stainless steel.