【Day 208】(English version plz "see more") #토요know #好耐無見過牛龜咁大部電視 #背景嗰啲唔知係唔係象形文字 雖然小編同大部分人一樣,沒有權沒有票,但聽晚都會鎖定電視/電腦直播,睇下究竟邊個做下屆特首的。(所以今晚出咗post先,聽晚未必update) p.s. 小編用「牛龜」呢個形容詞會唔會有復古feel p.p.s. 原來韓國1956年先開始引入電視,有興趣可以click入去睇下: https://goo.gl/z6OI37 It’s 2017 HK Chief Executive Election tmr. Even though I’m not in HK, I would still be sitting in front of the TV/Computer (writing paper, doing assignment) and witness the result. Hm…how I wish we have universal sufferage p.s. do you know that TV was first introduced to Korea in 1956? click here for more: https://goo.gl/z6OI37 #韓國 #KDI #經濟發展 #電視