【Day 201】English version plz "see more" :) #토요know? #哎呀答案同貼示放得咁埋會唔會唔係咁好 據聞去韓國嘅機票開始減價,令不少香港朋友在心裡暗爽。但你地又知唔知韓國嘅第一個國際機場係喺邊度架呢?(貼示:係賞櫻花嘅其中一個熱門勝地)(答案:https://goo.gl/daLt8a) Incheon International Airport was awarded as the world’s best airport for 12th consecutive year. (Yea… deep in my heart, I hope that HK Airport could do better, really) But do you know where was Korea’s First International Airport located in? (Tip: It’s a famous tourist attraction for Cherry Blossom Festival in Seoul~ ^^) Discover more: https://goo.gl/daLt8a