(English Version plz click "see more") 小編宜家除咗返學之外,其實仲係K-Developedia(韓國經濟社會發展資料庫)做緊student ambassador,所以黎緊耐唔耐都會係度update一啲韓國嘅舊照片同經濟發展資料。日後多多指教 + 有興趣嘅就麻煩click入去睇下啦: https://goo.gl/DsZm8f Actually, apart from studying at school and making videos (and eat and sleep and bla bla bla) im also working as a Student Ambassador at K-Developedia (encyclopedia of socioeconomic development in Korea) right now. So, in the following 4months, i'll occassionally share some posts about Korea's development as well。 hope you'll like it ~ p.s. if you're interested about what K-Developedia is, please feel free to check out the link: https://goo.gl/DsZm8f