下雨天,無得落小溪散步 去咗釜山博物館了解一下呢個地方,仲有關於番薯的重大發現添呀! rainy days havent gone yet , so i went to visit Busan Museum today. Discovered a big secret about SWEET POTATOE in korea ! 雖然日本侵略韓國嘅時候,係好黑暗嘅日子,我地應該嚴肅咁回顧歷史。 但係見到引入고구마(番薯)嗰幾個字嘅時候,忍唔住心心眼咗一下。 因為小偏真係好鍾意食番薯呀~想像唔到無番薯食嘅日子@_@" Although i understand that the Japanese colonial period is called the "Dark Period" in Korea, and we should treat this seriously. But when i saw the line "sweet potatoes were introduced from Japan", i cant help giving a "wooooow" becz i really love eating sweet potatoe and cant imagine a world without it @_@" Youtube: OHSHOOTRandom || Facebook: OSRandom 文記士多 || Instagram: mtzcherry ||