Your check engine light comes on when the computer has detected a problem. Some auto parts stores also offer free diagnoses, but they may not diagnose the problem correctly if the scan tool detects several different fault codes.With such serious potential issues, it is extremely important to find out why the check engine light is on as quickly as possible. A knowledgeable mechanic can provide you with an extensive diagnosis and repair estimate. . When you see the light come on, there is no reason to panic about your vehicle's performance or the expensive repairs it may need. Any of these small issues can make the check engine light come on. The scan tool is used to retrieve the stored code from the computer. The problem is often as simple as a loose gas cap or some other inexpensive fix. If a major problem that requires immediate attention is detected, the mechanics may be able to fix it right then and there. When spark plugs go bad, small cracks can form in the wires and release small bursts of electricity. This ODB computer detects many different types of problems in your vehicle and stores a unique trouble code for each problem. Taking your car to a trustworthy auto repair shop is the most reliable option. You will not know what type of issue exists or how much it will cost you until you get a diagnostic test. Some of the simpler possible issues include bad spark plugs, a loose gas cap, and water in the engine.Since there are so many possible reasons for the check engine light, it is important to get a diagnosis as soon as you can. You can purchase a scan tool yourself, but it may be more beneficial to take your car to an auto repair shop for the diagnostic test. However, the light will also come on when a much larger problem exists, such as emission control malfunctions and transmission issues. Even a small problem can turn into something much bigger if it is not fixed right away. If you purchased your car from a dealership, you can also take it there for the diagnostic test. If the gas cap is loose, it may cause a change in the pressure inside the gas tank. You can then determine what China hps grow light Manufacturers issue corresponds with that code by looking in your vehicle's service manual. To find out why your check engine light is on, you will need a scan tool to connect to your vehicle's on-board diagnostic computer. However, the dealership may charge a fee for the test and the needed repair work may be more expensive there if your car is not under warranty. The light may illuminate for a number of different reasons, some of which are very simple and easy fixes. Many shops offer this service for free, and some others charge a fee which will be waived if you let them complete the necessary repairs. By giving the problem some immediate attention, you may keep a small auto repair from becoming a much bigger and more expensive repair. While the light can signify a major, costly issue, this is not always the case.There are many types of auto repairs that may be necessary when your check engine light come on. Rain water or water from a pressure washer can drip onto a spark plug and cause a short