When Should I Apply Knot Sealer to my lace wigs?Knot sealer should be applied to lace front wigs each time you wash the units. Water has a way of weakening the knots further. Therefore, ensure that you re-seal the knots of your lace front unit each time you wash your wig or swim with it. Also, when the wig undergoes major repair, ensure that the wig’s knots are re-sealed. How to Bleach and Seal the Knots of Your lace front wigsThe first thing is to bleach prior to sealing the knots. If you seal the knots first, it would be difficult to bleach the hair since it has been coated with sealant. Some lace wig sellers also stock lace wig accessories and materials, including knot sealants. The TDI lace wig knot sealer would serve effectively. Simply follow the directions provided in the product’s pack in order to achieve the best result.Quick Tip on How to Seal Lace Front Wigs’ KnotsMake the cap of your lace front unit visible by turning the wig inside out. Know more about real hair wigs , wigs uk and more, Please go to: https://www.yneed.co.uk/Spray sufficient amount of the sealant on the wig’s cap; but ensure that the spray does not soak through the wig’s hair. Wait for few minutes for the spray to dry, then spray again. You may wait for 24 hours after the second spray before applying a third spray and even the fourth one (though you may not have to wait for 24 hours).human hair lace front wigs would continuously provide optimum result when you keep them in top shape always.Lace Wigs are a great way to change your look, hairstyle and hair color quickly, easily and often without damaging your natural hair. You can have a different hairstyle everyday of the week if you choose.lace front wigs are becoming more and more popular as women realize what a great fashion accessory they are. They are very versatile and virtually undetectable when applied correctly.