意城五十 一見難忘:Sorrento 這不是西九的那個豪宅樓盤,是真真正正的Sorrento。 Sorrento位於意大利南部的坎帕尼亞大區(Campania),距離拿坡里、龐貝古城、卡普里島(Capri)、阿瑪菲海岸(Costiera Amalfitana)都很近,她本身也是一個南意度假小鎮。 一如其他小鎮,我在抵達前也是對Sorrento一無所知,選擇到訪Sorrento的原因,主要是她是從拿坡里到龐貝古城的火車終點站,日間遊畢龐貝後,便可以到Sorrento休息,待翌日乘船往卡普里島去。逗留了只有半天。 或許西九的那個豪宅真的有研究過,雖然Sorrento不是「半島」,但絕對「擎天」。Sorrento是一個建在懸崖峭壁上的鎮,全鎮最繁忙的,就是火車站和站前廣場中間的一條意大利大道。大道兩旁沒有熙來攘往,只有寧靜而優雅的餐廳、咖啡茶座,和售賣著區內有名的檸檬車露酒(Limoncello)的小店。 當晚,我就住在鎮中心外的一間旅店,旅店房間前是一片開闊的花園,地中海的景緻也就在不遠處,觸手可及。雖然我只有寥寥幾張Sorrento的照片,但對那星空、那海風的印象依然深刻。 翌日,我們通過鎮內那條髮夾彎石板路大斜坡,把從崖上的城鎮到崖下的港口,告別這令人難忘的小鎮。 50 Italians Cities The impressive town: Sorrento This "Sorrento" is not the luxury housing in Hong Kong. This is the real Sorrento, which is located in Campania, Southern Italy. It is a vacation town, can be easily reached from Napoli, Pompei, Capri and Amalfi Coast. I knew nothing about this town before my arrival. I visited Sorrento only for a rest after a day in Pompei, and prepared my next trip to Capri island. Sorrento built on a cliff. The busiest street, Corso Italia, offers some beautiful restaurants, cafe, and stores selling Limoncello. I stayed in a guesthouse right outside the town centre. Just outside of my room, there was a huge garden, and a wonderful view of the Mediterranean Sea. Although I only took several pictures there, but the starry sky and sea breeze were very memorable. The next day, we walked through the "hair pin" slope, down to the port, and farewell Sorrento. #一相一程一故事, #Onephotojourneystory, #旅行, #Travel, #意城五十, #50ItalianCities, #Sorrento ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 一相一程一故事 One photo, one journey, one story Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onephotojourneystory Bryan's blogger: onephotojourneystory.blogspot.com U blog: https://blog.ulifestyle.com.hk/blogger/onephotojourneystory/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onephotojourneystory/