意城五十 遊學中轉站:Castellanza 〈意城五十〉的第一篇,當然不能不是我的Castellanza。Castellanza不是一個旅遊城鎮,不會有遊客會有興趣到訪,但這裡卻是「這麼近,那麼遠」。這是從米蘭市中心前往Malpensa機場鐵路的必經之鎮,也是我在意大利住得最久、四個月的家。 Castellanza有甚麼最有名?答案應該是我的大學。不是因為私立大學Università Carlo Cattaneo (LIUC) 非常有名,而是鎮內真的沒有其他更具代表性的東西。這個鎮只有6平方公里,居民只有一萬多人。鎮內除了學生,不少的都是退休人士,除了校園裡,整個鎮都經常是一片寧靜。 我意大利的大學裡有一支煙囪,令人嘖嘖稱奇。學校的業務倒是和煙囪無關,其實學校的前身是一個工廠,在工業化時期,這裡就像米蘭附近一帶一樣,以製造業興旺起來。隨著勞力密集工業被淘汰,大學的創辦人就買下廠房辦學,成就了這間「名車處處」的私立大學(因為學生普遍都比較富裕)。 鎮內其他設施就不多了,有一個大型的超級市場、一間美式快餐店、兩間薄餅店、幾間意大利本土銀行、一間電影院、兩間教堂......還有逢星期五早上的每週市集。 Castellanza,我最喜歡她的寧靜,和優越的位置。三十分鐘到達米蘭市中心,二十分鐘到達米蘭Malpensa機場,絕對是最理想的遊學(遊>學)中轉站! 50 Italian Cities Place for exchange: Castellanza To commence the "50 Italian Cities" project, Castellanza is definitely the start. Castellanza is not a touristic place, but it is located along the way from Milan Malpensa airport to Milan city centre. It is also my home in Italy for 4 months. The most famous thing in Castellanza must be my university. Not because of the fame of Università Carlo Cattaneo (LIUC), the town itself really doesn't have much to visit. In this 6 km square town, only around 10000 people reside, most of them are students and elderly. There was 1 megamarket, 1 American fast food store, 2 pizzeria, a number of Italian bank branches, 1 cinema and 2 churches, that's all we had in this little town. And there was a weekly open market on Friday morning. I love Castellanza's quietness and excellent location. It was definitely the best location for exchange study! #一相一程一故事, #Onephotojourneystory, #旅行, #Travel, #意城五十, #50ItalianCities, #Castellanza ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 一相一程一故事 One photo, one journey, one story Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/onephotojourneystory Bryan's blogger: onephotojourneystory.blogspot.com U blog: https://blog.ulifestyle.com.hk/blogger/onephotojourneystory/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/onephotojourneystory/