Bryan的故事三十九 Bryan's chapter 39 偷渡嗎? Illegal immigrant? 剛從葡萄牙回來,總要寫寫途中的經歷。由香港飛到法蘭克福後,奇遇又出現了。在法蘭克福機場的入境櫃台,三名警員要處理A380送來的龐大非歐盟居民客流。距離入境還有幾個人的距離,突然輪候隊伍停滯不前,一名中國籍女士正和警員膠著。 中國女士不懂英文,現場警員也沒法和她溝通,於是警員站起來詢問現場有誰可以幫忙翻譯,於是,我上前。中國女士身材略胖,個子不高,打扮稍土,手上除了手袋,還有一個裝著一雙黑色高跟鞋的透明膠袋。中國女士說話也頗憨厚,但聲音已經有點顫抖。 警員叫我問她要從法蘭克福去哪裡?在歐洲幹甚麼?留多久?住在哪裡?有誰接待等?一連串問題已開始令中國女士招架不住,中國女士回答說,她來歐洲旅遊,先會去米蘭三天,再回德國一周,有一位在米蘭的家庭朋友會接她。警員再追問她德國會去那裡,她也只能重複她的台詞。警員看了看她的文件,說她只有米蘭一天的酒店預訂證明,叫她寫下米蘭朋友的名字和電話,好讓他們致電查證。中國女士此時開始亂了方寸,似在不斷找機會打出電話求助(當然我和警員也極力阻止),手更是抖得十分厲害,最後,電話還是寫不出來,她說只有她朋友有她的電話,她沒有對方的聯絡方法。 此時,警員已經完成我的入境手續,中國女士見我離開,也意為她可以通過關卡。我最後的翻譯是告訴她,她要繼續在那裡等待,警員要查證她的文件,有需要時會安排翻譯人員來。 離開後,我的預感是中國女士會被遣返中國,並在歐洲留下被拒入境的紀錄。 I couldn't stop writing without sharing the experience of my recently Portugal trip. I had a flight transfer in Frankfurt. At the immigration desks, 3 police officers were handling the large crowd unloaded by the A380. When I was only a few steps from the desk, the queue stopped and a Chinese woman was struggling. The Chinese woman didn't speak English, so police officers were asking anyone to help translating, and I stepped forward. The Chinese woman was a bit fat, short. She carried a handbag along with a pair of black high heels in a transparent plastic bag. She seemed to be a modest person from her words, but she was already trembing. The officer asked where was she going from Frankfurt? What was she doing in Europe? How long would she stay? Where to stay? Who would receive her in Europe? The Chinese woman seemed to be unable to answer those questions. She replied, she was traveling, she would go to Milan for 3 days, and back to Germany for another week, a family friend from Milan would meet her in the airport. The officer asked where would she go in Germany, she could only repeat her script. Police checked her documents again, and said she could only show 1 night hotel reservation in Milan, then told me to ask her write down her friend's contact in order to have further investigation. This time, Chinese woman trembled even more. She was looking for opportunity to call out, which the officer and I tried to stop her. At last, she still wrote nothing about the contact. She said she didn't have her friend's contact, only the friend had hers. Meanwhile, my immigration procedure completed. The Chinese woman thought she could go as I was leaving. My last translation for her was to tell her to stay for further check up, the police will call for an interpreter if necessary. I had a feeling that the Chinese woman would eventually deny from entering Europe and send back to China, and leaving an immigration denial record. 照片 Photo: 機場,又是一個看百態的地方,有旅行的人們,也有不惜一切尋新機會的人們。 Airport is like a kaleidoscope, where you can encounter travelers, as well as opportunity seekers. 一相一程一故事 One photo, one journey, one story Facebook: Bryan's blogger: U blog: Instagram: #一相一程一故事, #Onephotojourneystory, #旅行, #Travel, #法蘭克福, #機場, #入境, #翻譯, #偷渡, #Frankfurt, #Airport, #immigration, #Translation,#IllegalImmigration