These past years we are constantly bombarded about vitaminsand supplements that we should ingest. If you're over 65 you have a good chance of being deficient mainly in B12vitamin, vitamin D, vitamin K, folic acid and zinc. Some people even foresee in the futurewe will simply eat pills instead of full meals. While supplements and vitamins is a very vast subject and their benefitsanother very complex matter here are in a nutshell the most common nutritionaldeficiencies per age group or diet Do not forget that you should always talk toyour doctor before taking any of these supplements or pills especially if youhave any other medical condition. If you're part of this age group you probably want to consider energysupplements like DHEA, pregnenolone and 5-HTP. They havedifferent functions including aiding in hormone production, helping to inducesleep, and balancing your moods. The best time to take any vitamin or supplement is during a healthy normal mealin your day so the vitamins will work more effectively due to the chemicalreactions between them.This is often asked so here's the answer to one of the most popular question about vitamins and supplements. Vitamin D insufficiency isparticularly common in the elderly since they do not enjoy as much time in theoutdoors. Unlike regular vitaminsupplements these are mostly used as building blocks for hormones. If you're nursing or pregnant you are likely to beespecially deficient in folic acid and iron. If you would rather not take a multivitamin you might just want totake milk which usually has added vitamin D in most countries. Flax seed also contain many other benefits that can be ARA Manufacturers very useful to you. Pills would contain all the nutrients we need to remain healthy, while ignoringthe enjoyable taste of a full meal. This isespecially helpful for women who pass menopause often have a lack of calcium. If you're just a regular Joe that does not pay much attention to his or herdiet you probably simply want to make sure you have adequate zinc, chromium,manganese in your diet. Supplements are only if you do not want to take the timeto create for yourself a balanced diet or if, for example, you simply do notenjoy the taste of fish but still need to take omega 3 since its a requirementfor a healthy body.One of the main problems for those over 65 is lower hormone levels due to theirage. You most likely want to learn about flax seed since they contain omega 3which is usually in fish. You probably also need to take B12 vitaminsupplements since they are only naturally abundant in animal products and vitamin b12 benefits can be very important for you. Finally I must mention that you might not need any vitamin supplement but onlyif your very careful about what you eat and you calculate everything your bodyneeds to stay healthy