How to decorate your planner with just a few sketches? Visit THE RAZZLE ROSE and I hope you enjoy it. 復活節好想畫兔子但又不想年年都一樣,復活蛋加兔子only?看我怎樣做 THE RAZZLE ROSE The rabbit from Alice in Wonderland I got this idea from google images, I love this vintage bunny! And I gave it a try for my first time doing this calligraphy! Google 有成千上萬ideas 任你找~我很喜歡這個兔子!第一次寫 (畫) 藝術字,挺滿意呢~ Laughed Alice theme Alice in my planner finally, YAY! 一直好想畫愛麗斯,終於畫到啦! Don’t wanna waste too much money of buying the stickers or tapes to decorate your planner and want to do something different? Here’s the ideas! ENJOY~ 有時候手繪也是一種滿足! The Razzle Rose Website: Facebook: IG: Twitter: YouTube: