Persimmon Persimmon is cold food, meridian tropism, astringent. It has the function of clearing away heat and removing dryness, moistening lung and resolving phlegm, invigorating spleen and unsmooth intestine. Eating persimmon can prevent hypertension, arteriosclerosis and chronic bronchitis. Can also promote metabolism, and play the role of the stomach and hemostasis. When eating persimmons, we must remove the skin, there are more tannic acid in persimmon skin, under the action of gastric acid, tannic acid precipitate, forming persimmon stone. Fasting can not eat persimmons, acid secretion will be in persimmon pectin, persimmon gum reaction, causing stomach expansion, forming gastric calculus. Pomegranate Pomegranate is warm, sweet and astringent. Entering the kidney, lung and large intestine meridian. Shengjinzhike, convergence, antidiarrheal, hemostasis. The Jin Kui, dry mouth, thirst, treatment of hematochezia, uterine bleeding. Can also reduce the oxidation of sediment in the body, reduce cholesterol, anti-aging. Fresh pomegranate is the best, with the richest nutrition. Pomegranate peel can also be used as medicine, and brown sugar can be used to treat diarrhea due to spleen deficiency.The only reliable criterion of truth is always to be consistent. A mandarin orange Orange flavor acid, temperature, into the lung, there are appetizers, cough Runfei effect. Oranges can treat the chest and diaphragm gas balance, lung heat cough, mouth parched and tongue scorched. Once eating oranges, don't eat too much, so as not to get angry. Orange peel can be made to the water, peel medicine, treatment of cough. Julao can also be used to meridians, Qi and blood circulation, can prevent hypertension. Hawthorn Hawthorn is warm, sweet, sour, into the spleen, stomach and liver. Can eat Hawthorn Jianpi appetizers Xiaoshi of stagnation, but also lowering blood pressure, lowering blood pressure, kill bacteria. Pregnant women should not eat hawthorn. The children eat Hawthorn permanent teeth will damage the teeth. The hawthorn, jujube, Chinese yam stew can kidney Yijing, Runfei cough. Fig Eat figs can stomach swelling and detoxification, diarrhea, bowel. Better eat fresh figs. Women slow the stew of figs and rock candy, which can resist oxidation and beauty. grapefruit Grapefruit is sweet, sour, cold food, can stomach phlegm, digestion under the gas. Eating fat grapefruit helps obese people lose weight. Consumption of grapefruit can also prevent diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Eating grapefruit after meals can help digestion. Soak grapefruit peel with boiling water to treat cough and asthma. Winter jujube Eating winter jujubes can detoxify liver, reduce blood pressure, improve immunity, and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Stomach should not be eaten fasting, so as not to cause stomach stones. Choose winter jujube, choose the shape rule, 2/3 is cyan, 1/3 is red, it will be more sweet. Summary: This is the description of what fruit is good for the body in the fall. I hope you can take some food scientifically and protect your body.