Old Zhou, Wu, Zheng, Wang lived in the old residential street, had not been met, after retirement, because often go to play, the elderly activity center in the course of contacts, four knew each other. The same friend, he is a friend, because four people have the common hobby, love playing chess, playing mahjong, fishing, soon became friends. Lao Zheng was the eldest among the four, and everyone called him zheng. Lao Zheng is an open-minded and friendly person. Because of the good family conditions, he brings three people to play in his own home, and often leaves three people to eat and drink at home. Because I have a car, go out fishing when Lao Zheng took the old week, Wu, Wang to. The old is not a stingy week ranked third, is also a broad-minded, friendly people, to clear at the people, he went to the second and fourth of the Wu Lao Wang suggested that every time out fishing, three of them for money. Wu very readily agreed, who did not consent to Pharaoh, Pharaoh said: "we do not pull Zheng brother, he went fishing, not still have to drive to." Old Zhou, Wu did not tell Pharaoh care, two people have their own money to the old old Zheng Zheng, who knows what also don't say. Old Zhou, Wu thought of a clever way, while Lao Zheng doesn't notice his tank stolen keys, with a, two of them to buy oil, secretly poured into the tank. Who knows the time is not long, Lao Zheng discovered, Lao Zheng changed the lock again, and hid the key.The only reliable criterion of truth is always to be consistent. This morning, after walking the four corner, Lao Wang said: "another one and a half months, my birthday is coming, these days you will accompany me to go fishing Pushihe, put on a plate of wild fish, this dish will be popular, then you will have the right when the free." After breakfast, Lao Zheng drove their car pulled the old week, Wu, Wang went to Pushi River fishing. On the way, Lao Wang turned his hand around the Yo Yo, and said, "last night, we had a personal jump off building 10."." Old Zhou asked, "what a big corrupt official!"" Wang Yizheng: "he is not a corrupt official?" Old Wu Yizheng: "how can he not corrupt jump ah?" Four people roared with laughter. Lao Wang said: "the jump has been more than 70 years old, had cancer, is already late, and he did not want to involve children, nor want to suffer the crime, chose to jump off the building."." Wu said: "the old way I agree, with cancer, is an incurable disease, simply not cure, why hurt children, causing so much burden to the children? I heard some people say, in particular suffer chemotherapy!" Old Zhou nodded: "I agree with brother Wu's view, if I had cancer, one hundred percent jump, I don't have the crime!" Lao Wang asked, "there are so many choices. Why do you choose to jump off a building only?"" Old Zhou said: "jump not only ease, and fast, but also did not suffer!" "Why don't you choose to hang yourself?" Lao Wang continued" Old Zhou stared at Lao Wang: "what, hanged? Dead, but also with a long rope, but also to make people see your hideous appearance, this is not my old Zhou character!" "Our country should revise and amend the relevant laws. After suffering from a terminal illness, under the patient's will, we should meet the wishes of the patients and practise euthanasia," Zheng said!" When the car climbed to seven from seven Panling, Panling down open, Lao Zheng suddenly shouted: "Okay, brake, you quickly hold!" Lao Zheng saw a big tree near the hillside and hit his head against the tree. The car jolted a few times and then turned over the hill. All four people were injured and were rushed to the hospital. After examination, the old week, Wang has a broken rib; my right leg was hurt; old Zheng head injured, there is congestion in the brain, but without loss of consciousness. That afternoon, live in the same ward Pharaoh said to the old week, Wu: "my son is a lawyer, my son said, our medical expenses, lost income, mental damages, should the old Zheng burden; if the old Zheng not burden, we can sue to the court Lao zheng!" Old Zhou stared at Wang, eyes that looked like a devil. Lao Wang is not happy: "some weeks brother, why should I see the devil's eyes? Am I the devil?" The old week is cold to smile: "you wang eldest brother is not too raise oneself?"" Under the old week of the bed, went straight to the old Zheng ward, who knows the old Zhou, Wu Lao Zheng just walked into the room, Wang was also to come, said the Lao Zheng seriously: "I'm sorry, all blame me, so I was discharged from the hospital after your medical expenses, lost income, mental damages by me to pay!" Wang Zheng happy nodded: "big brother is really generous, the law is clear!" Lao Zheng's wife looked angrily at Lao wang. Old Monday without blinking at the old Zheng Zheng: "brother, can't you see my brother Wu and the ladder? Can you just sit on the ground and see us once?" Wu chimed in: "Zheng brother, I am greedy people with big brother never, you can not see the door we good?" Lao Zheng solemnly said: "Pro is close, money is money, and what's going on, what's the matter, I should pay you."......"