豆角茄子飯 Rice with Eggplant and Chinese Long Bean 呀媽話茄子平買左半打茄子返黎,餐餐食茄子都有排食...魚香茄子夠經典大家都食得多,餸飯真係可以食兩碗飯,素食版可以用咩代替肉碎呢?今次我就求其用左係屋企搵到既豆角,但大家可以試下用冬菇粒或者乾豆腐,效果應該會更好! 材料(2人份) 豆角 1札(約8-10條) 茄子1條 白飯 2碗 蔥1條 蒜頭 4瓣 紅蔥頭1個 辣椒 1-2條 豆瓣醬 2湯匙 老抽 1茶匙 胡椒粉 1茶匙 生粉水1 茶匙 - 做法: 1/茄子切條狀,浸淡鹽水30分鐘(減低茄子吸收油份) 2/豆角切粒,蒜頭、紅蔥頭和辣椒切碎 3/燒熱鍋落油,炒熟豆角約3-5分鐘,撈起備用 4/原鍋落油爆香蒜頭、紅蔥頭和辣椒,加入茄子3分鐘,加入豆瓣醬、老抽和胡椒粉炒勻,加水蓋上蓋煮約5分鐘至茄子軟身 5/ 開蓋加入豆角和生粉水,炒勻至醬汁收杰即可 *豆角分開煮可以保持爽口,如果同茄子一齊煮會太淋就冇口感架啦~ ~~~~~~~~~Follow my intasgram ( niceylife ) for more updates!~~~~~~~~~ - Ingredient (2 servings) Chinese long beans 8-10 pieces 1 eggplant 2 bowls of rice 3 cloves of garlic 1 shallot 1-2 red chilli 1 stalk of green onion 2 tbsp of spicy bean paste 1 tsp of dark soy sauce 1 tsp white pepper 1 tsp of cornstarch solution - Step: 1/Strip the eggplant,soak in salt water for 30mins(Reduce eggplant to absorb oil) 2/Dice Chinese long bean,mice garlic, red chilli and shallot 3/Stir fry Chinese long bean foe 3-5 mins, set a side 4/Stir fry garlic, shallot and chilli, add eggplant and stir fry for 3 mins, season with spicy bean paste、dark soy sauce and white pepper, add some water and cook with cover for 5 mins until the eggplant becomes soft 5/ add Chinese long bean and cornstarch solution, cook until the sauce thicken *You can use mushroom or dry tofu to replace the Chinese long bean *The purpose of not cooking the Chinese long beans in the same pot with eggplant is too keep them not too soft