豆腐沙律蕎麥冷麵 Tofu Salad with Soba Noddles 呢排食得多好濟既野要食返清新野啦,蕎麥麵沙律係我係屋企成日煮既野,因爲太簡單方便!呢個冷麵可以隨意轉換你中意既蔬菜,建議用可以生食既蔬果例如蕃茄、青瓜等,生食蔬果比起熟食更能夠保留營養,而豆腐含有豐富蛋白質,可以飽腹感,非常適合帶返工食~ 材料(一人份): 豆腐 半磚 蕎麥麵 1札 甘荀 1條 青瓜 1條 生菜 1棵 芝麻 好多 淡醬油 2湯匙 麻油 1茶匙 新鮮檸檬汁 1/4個 黑胡椒碎 隨意 做法: 1/甘荀、青瓜切絲,生菜切塊 2/煲滾水煮熟蕎麥麵,撈起過冷河,瀝乾水 3/豆腐切粒,煲滾水放入豆腐煮2分鐘(盒裝滑豆腐可省略此步驟) 4/將所有材料放入大碗,加入調味料拌勻,撒上芝麻即可 ~~~~~~~~~Follow my intasgram ( niceylife ) for more updates!~~~~~~~~~ Ingredients(one serve): half brick of Tofu Soba noodle 1 carrot 1 cucumber 1 lettuce sesame as much as u want 2 tbsp of light soy sauce 1 tsp of sesame oil Juice of 1/4 Fresh lemon Black pepper Steps : 1/shred carrot and cucumber, cut the lettuce into smaller pieces 2/cook soba noddles,rinse under cold water 3/dice tofu and boil for 2 mins (u can skip this step if using boxed tofu 4/ place everything into a big bowl, mix well with the seasoning ,add sesame before serve