蘋果桂花果醬 Apple and Osmanthus Flower Jam 屋企成日買蘋果但成日擺到爛,趁未爛之前將蘋果用黎整果醬,好味又唔浪費。細個食超市賣既果醬令我對果醬印象唔太好,寧願食花生醬或者榛子醬,但食過手工果醬之後發現原來果醬可以好好味,平時唔中意食方包既我都會為個果醬而食多士做早餐,而且做法仲超簡單! 材料(一樽約400-450g): 蘋果 3個(約600g) 乾桂花 3克 砂糖 45克 檸檬汁 30毫升 做法: 1/ 蘋果去皮切細粒,加入檸檬汁和砂糖拌勻,放置兩小時(可放雪櫃雪過夜) 2/ 將一半蘋果打蓉,連同餘下的蘋果連水和乾桂花放入不黏鍋慢火煮15-20分鐘,期間一直攪拌,如太杰身可加少許水,不夠甜可加糖,煮至自己喜歡的狀態就可以 3/ 趁熱放入已燙過的玻璃瓶 *手工果醬沒有防腐劑,做好後最好兩個星期內要吃完,所以每次做一小樽就夠了 ~~~~~~~~~Follow my intasgram ( niceylife ) for more updates!~~~~~~~~~ Ingredients(400-450g) : 3 Apples (600g) 3g of Dried Osmanthus Flower 35g of Sugar 30ml of Fresh Lemon Juice Step: 1/ Peel and dice apples, add lemon juice and sugar, mix well and let it rest for at least two hours (keep in fridge for overnight is ok) 2/ Bleed half of the apples, cook all the apples (including the water from apple)and dried osmanthus flower with a non-stick pot for about 15-20mins, add water and sugar during cook if needed 3/ Keep the jam in a boiled glass * It is better to finish the jam within two weeks as there is no preservative added.