經常穿著高跟鞋上班,腳掌長期受壓,連帶腰間亦開始感到酸痛疲累,本來打算到一向幫襯的泰式按摩店,可是相熟的師傅已經走了,於是在MindBeauty app內找找,最後,給我發現就在公司附近,有一間24小時營業,主打足部及身體按摩的「Foot Spa Moment 足沐城」。 Tired and sore with my high heeled legs and pain from waist due to the prolonged walking. The 24 Hours open Foot Spa Moment is my choice to enjoy my relaxing moment. 點擊圖片放大 足沐城位於北角英皇道,地點就腳,由炮台山地鐘步行不到兩分鐘就到,十分方便。 Foot Spa Moment is conveniently located from 5mins walk from Fortress Hill MTR Station. 而店內的佔地過萬呎,裝修豪華,除了提供多種美容服務外,還有按摩、全身護理及美甲等等,價錢平易親人,收費合理。 The shop is extremely spacious that it is also well equipped with different choice of services like OPI nail polish at reasonable price. 在眾多療程當中,我選擇了足底按摩及經絡按摩 (各60分鐘)。 Amongst the many options, I chose the Foot Reflexology massage 60 minutes and meridian massage 60 minutes respectively 首先,店員帶我到房內安頓好,就以玫瑰花水為我泡腳,促進血液循環,同時調理內分泌系統,增強器官機能。 When I settled in the room, I started the Rose Foot bath which is believed to help to boost the blood circulation and re-adjust the immune system while strengthen the internal organ mechanism. 之後,就開始進行足部按摩,由於我有跑步的習慣,即使已經拉筋舒緩,小腿肌肉仍然偏硬再加上工作需要,長期穿著高跟鞋,所以小腿容易酸痛。 After that , here we go with the foot reflexology massage, the stiff calves I am having was starting to get relaxed after the bath. 這次為我按摩的是一名女師傳(號碼139),個人真心推介,因為她的手勢非常好,而且力度十足,即使按摩時間長逹60分鐘,亦沒有一刻停下來或手軟。 The lady who did the massage for me is so devoted in her job that she didn’t even stop to rest for a second during the whole 60minutes of massage. 而她對於按摩穴位非常熟悉,不時和我解釋人體五臟六腑在腳底的反射區,透過按摩刺激穴位,就能加速血液循環,調節身體機能平衡。 She showed her professionalism by explaining the different Reflexology Zone beneath my foot, letting me understand how pressing them is beneficial to improve my internal organs mechanism. 在過程中,按摩師傳會集中力度針對肌肉酸痛部份,每一次的按壓也非常「到位」,說實,偶爾會感覺非常疼痛,但她表示只是將這個地方按鬆,之後就不會再感到酸痛,感覺非常細心。經過60分鐘的足部按摩,小腿的肌肉酸痛真的舒緩了很多,而且按下去,肌膚的繃緊感覺亦慢慢消失。 The massage proceeded to next level when it came to my very much sored and stiff calves. The exerted extra strength to my much sore muscles instantly resulted in a half painful half relieving feeling that is hard to describe. After the intense 60 minutes of foot massage, I feel as if all the stiffness has gone away. 之後,來到經絡按摩環節,換到另一間按摩房間進行,房間非常大及潔淨,空間感十足。 I was impressed by the other roomy massage place when I was led to take the other part of my massage. 原以為會換上另一位按摩師,畢竟之前的師傅已為我按了60分鐘,難免會感到疲倦,但進來房間按摩的還是同一位按摩師傅,不禁令我感到驚訝,而她亦表示從事按摩行業已經有一段長時間,所以即使按上數小時,亦可以應付自如。 When I was thinking this part will be done by another Masseuse, the previous excellent master si-fu came to serve me again. She said she is so well trained, a coupes of hours of massage is no hard job to her. I continued to enjoy the professional service again. 其實我除了跑步外,近日亦開始進行負重運動,手臂下方開始出現網球肘問題,即使拉筋亦不能減輕痛楚,除此之外,肩膀亦因舉重問題而感到繃緊,所以師傳集中火力在我的上半身按摩。 Through our detailed interaction, the Masseuse came to understand my unique and personal problem of pain and she suggested concentrating on the upper part of my body for relieving the pain in my elbows and shoulder. 由於手臂位置已經出現痛症,所以師傅亦只能以推拉的方法為我按摩,過程中感覺非常舒服,不過,遇到筋膜漲大的位置,師傳還是會大力推按,希望能將漲痛的地方推鬆,在這個時候,痛是必定的,但按摩過後,手臂下方真的輕鬆多了,筋骨變得鬆軟,痛楚亦漸漸減褪。 Master Si-fu skillfully avoided the direct pressing of the swollen part of my elbow and shoulder muscle. Instead she chose a way of pushing and pulling gesture to relieve the painful and stiff feeling of my sore muscle. Through the massage, you will feel the pain of the muscle being loosen and relieved. Finally , I came to a soothing and relaxing feeling of my whole body. 完成療程後,店員為我送上羅漢果菊花茶,感覺貼心,服務超讚。 When the treatment was finished, I was served with a Luo Han Guo Chrysanthemum Tea. I will definitely suggest friends to enjoy their relaxing moment at Foot Spa Moment, one of the best massage shops in North Point. Foot Spa Moment Address: Basement, Rialto Mansion, 177-191 King’s Road, North Point ( Near Fortress Hill MTR Station Exit A) https://www.footspamoment.com/ ******************************************************************* Bee Happy Fanpage 歡迎留言or email to sweet_orange_hk@yahoo.com.hk My Blog Links TheZtyle: http://fantasyland.theztyle.com Blogspot: http://monbeebee.blogspot.hk/ She.com: http://blog.she.com/fantasyland