#中國 #蒙古 #蒙古自由行 #中國自由行 #china #momojoejoe #多謝訂閱沒有廣告,沒有業配,記得訂閱支持:D!/2025新年快樂!我們出片啦!今次分享在蒙古國被扣留遣返的經驗。 阿日哈沙特口岸是在中國內蒙古的一個公路口岸,與蒙古東方省喬巴山市哈比日嘎口岸相對應。 我們從阿日哈沙特口峰口岸成功離開中國大陸,然而直到被蒙古邊防扣留的時候,得知我們就是不能入境蒙古?! 我們最後能夠入境蒙古嗎?無奈對於中國蒙古的雙邊口岸協議,蒙古邊防卻有另一番解讀。。。 Arikhashat Port is a road port in Inner Mongolia, China, corresponding to the Habiriga Port in Chobashan City, Dongfang Province, Mongolia. We successfully left mainland China from the Azharshat Koufeng Port, yet until we were detained by the Mongolian border guards, learned that we just could not enter Mongolia? !Will we finally be able to enter Mongolia? Unfortunately, Mongolian border defense has a different interpretation of the bilateral port agreement between China and Mongolia. . ./❞更多MomoJoeJoe 日常↷🐦 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MoMoJoeJoe廢青環遊世界📷 Instagram: @momo.joejoe/ @chels.parrot♪ MUSIC Music by Damien Sebe - jambo - https://thmatc.co/?l=21FEDE39/喜歡我們的影片可以訂閱 ﹑讚好和留言按個小鈴鐺就不會錯過我們最新的資訊再次多謝收看Thank you so much for watching this video If you like it, please subscribe, smash the like button, and leave a comment 😊 !!Have a nice day!Momojoejoe