#中國 #齊齊哈爾 #滿州里 #中國自由行 #china #momojoejoe #多謝訂閱沒有廣告,沒有業配,記得訂閱支持:D!/這是我們第一條「會員優先看」的片段,也是硬座找數片。 從北京開往滿州里的K1303,在中途站齊齊哈爾上車到滿州里,需時十小時,整段火車共693公里。 今次真.坐到腰痛。今集鸚鵡企鵝還融入當地人中,吃杯麵,睡硬座。 哈爾濱局的杯麵比我們想像中便宜...... This is our first clip that members will watch first, and it’s also a favorite for hard-seat viewers. K1303 runs from Beijing to Manzhouli. It takes ten hours to board the train at Qiqihar station and goes to Manzhouli. The entire train section is 693 kilometers in total. Really this time. Lower back hurts from sitting. In this episode, the parrot and penguin also blended in with the locals, eating cup noodles and sleeping on hard seats. Harbin Bureau’s cup noodles are cheaper than we thought…/❞更多MomoJoeJoe 日常↷🐦 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MoMoJoeJoe廢青環遊世界📷 Instagram: @momo.joejoe/ @chels.parrot♪ MUSIC /喜歡我們的影片可以訂閱 ﹑讚好和留言按個小鈴鐺就不會錯過我們最新的資訊再次多謝收看Thank you so much for watching this video If you like it, please subscribe, smash the like button, and leave a comment 😊 !!Have a nice day!Momojoejoe