#中國 #吉林 #延吉 #圖們 #北韓 #朝鮮 #中國自由行 #china #momojoejoe #多謝訂閱沒有廣告,沒有業配,記得訂閱支持:D!/Momojoejoe帶你探索位於中朝邊界的城市圖們和朝鮮的南陽,看看這兩個城市的巨大差異🌍 圖們是中國吉林省延邊朝鮮族自治州的一個重要邊境城市,坐落在中朝邊界,距離北韓南陽僅有幾公里,因而常被稱為「東北小韓國」。 這裡不僅是中朝貿易的重要通道,還是文化交流的熱土。圖們擁有豐富的朝鮮族文化,街頭巷尾皆可見朝鮮族特色的小吃和風味餐廳,如韓式拌飯、冷面和朝鮮米酒等,吸引了眾多遊客前來品嚐。在圖們,你可以一眼看見兩國,感受中朝文化的交融與碰撞。 而在南陽的對岸,金日成和金正日的雕像靜靜地凝視著你,彷彿在講述著這片土地的歷史和故事。這次旅行讓我們對這些城市的獨特文化有了更深的理解,並展示了朝鮮與中國之間的微妙關係。跟隨我們的腳步,一起揭開中朝邊界的神秘面紗吧!👀In this video, Momojoejoe take you on an exploration of the border city of Tumen in China and the North Korean city of Namyang, showcasing the vast differences between the two🌍. Here in Tumen, you can see both countries at a glance and experience the fusion and clash of Chinese and Korean cultures. We will indulge in the local delicacies, from authentic Chinese snacks to traditional North Korean dishes, each bite offering a unique flavor✨. On the opposite bank in Namyang, the statues of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il silently watch over you, seemingly telling the history and stories of this land. This journey deepens our understanding of the unique cultures of these cities and reveals the subtle relationship between North Korea and China. Join us as we unveil the mysteries of the China-North Korea border!👀/❞更多MomoJoeJoe 日常↷🐦 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MoMoJoeJoe廢青環遊世界📷 Instagram: @momo.joejoe/ @chels.parrot/喜歡我們的影片可以訂閱 ﹑讚好和留言按個小鈴鐺就不會錯過我們最新的資訊再次多謝收看Thank you so much for watching this video If you like it, please subscribe, smash the like button, and leave a comment 😊 !!Have a nice day!Momojoejoe