As your parents, siblings, relatives and friends started defining who you are physically, you began to forget the real you. The more ingredients you add, the more you move away from the original recipe or intent.The creation of the twelve loaves of bread will manifest from choices you are about to make following closely the recipe for it.For the first few years after your birth, the awareness of who you really are remained in your consciousness and you did not question your existence. You chose the time and place of your birth and the parents and their circumstances that would be the recipe for your own creation. The process began and although you had an idea of what you wanted to experience before you were born, it was no longer in your consciousness. Do not get lost in the thoughts of others.Roy's style is honest and comes straight from the heart without all the metaphorical mumble jumble and BS. Choose the people and circumstances in your life, which are in harmony with how you see yourself and your relationship to your environment. You are not at the mercy of your environment; you are creating it. As you move outside of the box and recreate yourself according to your own recipe, you will be in harmony, in concert with purpose and life will flow effortlessly.You can pick out the raisins and nuts and start eliminating the things in your life that are not in harmony with your souls intend, but the finer ingredients will be harder to identify and remove. It is your thought, and then it is a decision to make it. If you are a simple loaf of brown bread, you do not need the nuts or raisins. Life will be simpler.Your life will become easier as you bring yourself back to the higher purpose you have given your life. Stay in contact with your spirit and learn how to communicate with it. You are not reacting to it, but it reacts to you. What is it that makes brown bread?First, it is a thought about brown bread. It will be either your recipe or someone else's and this is another Pallet mould choice. You will always come away with a new perspective and your thinking will never be the same. The soul creates the circumstances that allow the body to experience those desires. The conscious mind has absolute authority to experience what it desires.