It is important toRS gold note that all Barrows set (Ahrim, Dharok, Guthan, Karil, Torag and Verac) all come with the same bonuses. Their set abilities differ, however- of note is the Dharok gear, which allows you to hit higher as your health gets lower Guthan's gear, which will heal you as long as you strike as well as Verac's gear which PROVIDES A PRAYER BONUS which other sets do not however, it also gives the potential to hit much more accurately with the help of armour and prayers. Therefore, you could just purchase the lowest melee kit (Torag) and make use of food.Major changes: Evolution of Combat (EoC) basically overhauled the entire combat system but it's actually not all that difficult to master (certainly makes combat more enjoyable). The new Interface System (NIS): You can basically customize your entire interface as you want it. It's a little confusing at first, but once you've found the perfect interface for you, then you'll be asking yourself what the reason this wasn't announced earlier.Bonds: Purchase 14-day membership by using game money. A great idea if have the money to buy members. The Sixth-Age has started and I'm not going to spoil anything for you. However, I highly recommend doing The World Wakes quest before you do anything else. Then go to 'Missing, Pretended Death'.HTML5 The HTML5 Runescape game: Even though HTML5 Runescape is in beta, it's an important upcoming change to the game. Improvements in graphics, camerawork, draw distance, etc. are but a few advantages of this. Also, of course, switching to Java is a very insecure piece if software-)Divination: A new skill, travel south of Draynor to get started. Innovating: New skill due in 2014. World-Events: Something that is related to Sixth-Age (do the quests I stated to better know this) in which Gods compete against each other in Gielinor with the winner decided by the participants. The first was the Battle of Lumbridge which featured Zamorak fighting. Saradomin (Saradomin won) The second event currently in play is The Bird and the Beast which is Bandos against. Armadyl (the loser ofcheap OSRS gold the battle is killed).