A single high reading doesn't necessarily mean you have high blood pressure but if it is elevated consistently, you doctor will want you to start a treatment program. A normal pressure is less than. Alcohol and caffeine. In addition to these lifestyle changes, your doctor may want to put you on medication as well. The top or larger number is the systolic number.High blood pressure is diagnosed by taking multiple readings over a period of time.A healthy American with normal pressure should limit their intake to mg per day.Blood pressure is the force produced by your heart that pushes blood through the arteries and capillaries. It is written with two numbers as a ratio such as 28/412 customized Lotion pump for soap. Your heart muscles thicken under the strain and it becomes even harder for your heart to pump blood. High blood pressure increases the likely hood of damage to your blood vessels resulting in heart attack and heart disease, kidney failure, and stroke if not addressed and treated.The chemicals in alcohol are thought to cause arteries to tighten and close, making it harder for the heart to pump blood properly. Eat a healthy low fat diet that includes fruits, vegetables, grains and low fat dairy products. The bottom or smaller number is the diastolic number. If you drink alcohol limit it to no more than one drink a day for women and drinks per day for men. Limit your intake of sodium.Alcohol and caffeine can increase the risk of high blood pressure quite a bit.When diagnosed with high blood pressure, your doctor will ask you to make some lifestyle changes. The Nicotine in the cigarettes and in other tobacco products are responsible for causing your blood vessels to constrict and your heart to beat faster, which temporarily raises your pressure. African Americans and older Americans with high pressure should limit their sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day. Also be aware that some medications contain sodium. High test coffee is permissible but decaffeinated coffee is best. A combination of changes and medication will most definitely lower your pressure with the goal being able to manage your high blood pressure and live a healthier life. If you drink coffee, limit your intake to cups per day. That number represents the arterial pressure when your heart beats.Eliminate or decrease smoking cigarettes.drink is a can of beer, a glass of wine or 1 jigger shot of liquor. The first pressure is a result of the blood pumping out of your heart and the second pressure is the heart at rest, between heart beats. Lose weigh if you are overweight. It is the result of two forces. The two pressures are represented by numbers called a blood pressure reading. High blood pressure is a systolic reading between 140 and 159 and a diastolic reading between 90 and 99.6. Being overweight increases the amount of blood in your body and causes your heart to work harder to pump it. That number represents the arterial pressure when the heart muscle is resting between beats and filling with blood. Some of those changes might include the following:1. The extra effort it takes your heart to pump will increase your chances of developing high blood pressure. Chain smoking will cause your blood pressure to always be elevated. Eating lots of saturated fats, trans fat and cholesterol laden foods may cause plaque buildup in your arteries and lead to high pressure. Not everyone is affected by sodium but it can cause high blood pressure. Don't add salt to your food and check food labels for sodium content.