Toilet has a very bad commutation in the mind of everyone. Toilet is an area where we associate with germs, bacteria and the fact that you need to clean it quite often, leaves a very tainted image of the toilet in the minds. The worst fact is that the toilet smells bad. A lot many products have been devised to get rid of the bad smells from the toilet. Toilet is an area where one gets rid of the refuse and so the toilet bowl, the sink, the walls and the tiles, everything seems to stink. Your bathroom never smells of roses due to these reasons. Now, you can keep your toilet smelling of flowers with the chlorine dioxide odor removal. The air purifier for the toilet is perfect for the stinking toilets that smell damp, musty or smell of China Rechargable vacuum cleaner feces and urine. Chlorine dioxide can eliminate pathogens and is safe for everyone. Chlorine dioxide based air purifiers are the best air purifier odor eliminator for the toilets. Here chlorine dioxide is the active agent which can powerfully deodorize, clean, disinfect, sterilize and sanitize the area.