【9位腦朋友專屬打卡位@露天廣場 Checklist📸】1️⃣在大力槌旁怒氣衝衝嘅阿燥2️⃣韆鞦裡擔心會天旋地轉嘅阿焦3️⃣對周圍的人和事羨慕嘅阿羨4️⃣烏雲暴雨下大哭嘅阿愁5️⃣害怕攀石嘅阿驚6️⃣怕醜想與你擊掌嘅阿尷7️⃣夢幻泡泡中跳舞嘅阿樂8️⃣最討厭西蘭花嘅阿憎9️⃣獨自在一旁的躺平族阿厭總結 : 小編星期日去,比較多人呀!影咗6位腦朋友咋,下次要再去集齊一套先! 💪🤩🥳點擊圖片放大 +4 【Exclusive Check-In Spots for the 9 Emotions at Open Piazza 📸】1️⃣ Anger, standing angrily next to the high striker machine2️⃣ Anxiety, anxiously spinning on the swing3️⃣ Envy, enviously eyeing people and things around4️⃣Sadness, tearfully sobbing under her rainclouds5️⃣ Fear, fearful of the 2.5 meter climbing wall6️⃣Embarrassment, shyly reaching out for a. high-five 7️⃣Joy, joyfully dancing in her floral garden surrounded by bubbles8️⃣ Disgust, disgusted by broccoli9️⃣ Ennui, just wants to lay on the couch with her phoneDisney and Pixar’s “Inside Out 2: Emotion Playpark @ Times Square”📅 Today – 1/9⏰10am – 10pm📍Open Piazza, 2/F Atrium#EmotionPlaypark #Disney #Pixar #InsideOut2 #HKTimesSquare #迪士尼 #彼思 #玩轉腦朋友2 #時代廣場 #haveagoodtime