He went on to say that high powered laser pointer weapons have one fundamental flaw.Russian military experts, however, say that a 'star wars' system involving laser weapons lies in the distant future.Precision and laser-guided air-to-ground weapons.Let's also restart Boeing's Airborne Laser program. An AF squadron or two of them should do.The defense industry is working on a new-generation air-based laser. This would lead to an immense breakthrough in the arena of high powered laser pointer and electromagnetic weapons.In 2010 the American arms giant Raytheon demonstrated a laser weapon which was able to shoot four drones out of the sky and in 2014 the US Navy carried out several laser tests in the Persian Gulf.This new work on developing a laser is yielding fruit, and in a year's time this weapon.He also questioned Klick's claim that U.S. laser weapons can make 100 shots without recharging. The country claims its green laser pointer program is on the same level as the US, but it has kept tight-lipped about the system.A laser produces very intense energy that can travel over very long distances.Attempts at creating an airborne laser were made back in the Soviet era.Just a old principle of a modulated high power radio frequency on a laser beam. Active testing of the flying green laser pointer system was conducted at an airport near Moscow in 1983.The laser's striking range can be hundreds and thousands of times greater.In land tests conducted in 1985, the chemical laser heated up.Enemy aircraft could be obliterated with Star Wars-style laser beams, according to Russia's TASS news agency.A 360 degree laser 'bubble' would surround a US warplane and disable or destroy anything that comes inside. A 10000mw blue laser pointer can be shot from any location in space filled with other countries' satellites.The laser destroyed several targets mounted on a small boat and brought down an airborne drone.The U.S. and the USSR started researching the possibilities of using optical quantum generator-lasers in the military sphere in the 1960s.Dickson was not the only Soviet project in the development of laser weapons. The other factor pushing 10000mw blue laser pointer defenses into reality is that drones have emerged as a major new threat to U.S.The Stryker laser weapon could be operational in as little as 11 months.Using space and ground-based lasers to shoot down incoming Soviet nuclear missiles.Of the three lasers at the facility, the most powerful was only able to generate a two-kilowatt beam.It goes without saying that if the U.S. Air Force could not make airborne lasers a reality in 2011. The problem with laser pen 200mw weapons is that to function they require an enormous amount of energy.The laser system's numerous tests are nothing but the study of the technology for the future.A low-power laser capable of targeting hypersonic weapons.Placing a laser in a plane with a large cargo capacity will be easier than efforts to mount lasers into jets.Developing a mobile power-source small enough to integrate onto a fast-moving fighter jet remains a challenge for laser technology. http://www.moontowncafe.com/poetry/view_poem.asp?cat_id=31&subcat_id=257&poem_id=114607 http://pinjoying.com/pin/41528/