Some of these bags can be used for compact video equipment. Other styles are designed for active, backcountry use. All are constructed with rugged nylon or polyester and padded with closed-cell foam. Most have adjustable internal dividers that can accommodate a range of camera sizes.Rectangular Bags—Some of these cases can double as compact camcorder carriers by adjusting the internal dividers. Most have multiple pockets for accessories and a shoulder strap for carrying.Triangular Bags—These are designed specifically to fit an SLR camera and lens; most have room for film and flash. These bags have a shoulder strap, belt loop, and top handle for multiple carrying options. Some have a chest harness. Certain styles are large enough to carry an extra lens or have a weather-proof cover to protect from moisture.Fanny Packs—These styles are good for backcountry use, and can also be carried as shoulder bags. Some feature two detachable side cases for extra lenses and an overlapped zipper to help keep out rain and dust. These packs are conveniently accessible—they can be worn in the front to serve as a handy in-and-out pouch when you're shooting or changing lenses Suitcase Bags.Backpacks—These packs are specially designed to carry up to two SLR cameras and seven or eight lenses, in addition to flash, film, and accessories. They feature internal and external pockets, as well as compression straps for lashing on extra gear such as a tripod or jacket. Some have high-tech suspension systems and an all-weather cover to protect from rain and moisture. Backpacks offer the best protection and are the most comfortable way to transport a lot of photography equipment for travel and other activities.