The news “Prostatitis symptoms come and go “ goes viral in the male health care web page. Such thing has lead to great disturbance to men. Even some men said there is no way to cure prostatitis and medical field should put more effort into male health especially the common disease among men like prostatitis. So, why do prostatitis symptoms come and go? Which part the problem occurs? Diagnosis? Treatment? Or personal habits?Only when we find the deep reason can we settle it more effectively and thoroughly. Commonly, prostatitis are divided into three types-acute bacterial prostatitis, chronic bacterial prostatitis and chronic nonbacterial prostatitis also called chronic pelvic pain syndrome. So it is easy to make a mistake about the real condition without careful diagnosis, after which the wrong treatment will ensue.If your doctor suspects that you have prostatitis or another prostate problem, he or she may refer you to a urologist to confirm the diagnosis.Patients typically undergo a comprehensive exam, including a digital rectal exam. The doctor will be able to evaluate whether the prostate gland is enlarged or tender. Then, if the doctor is still not sure what you have, more tests may be done, such as a prostate fluid analysis for signs of infection, transrectal ultrasound, biopsy or voiding studies. Voiding studies involve the collection and analysis of urine to determine which part of the urinary system is infected. It shows that you must accept a professional and standard examination to confirm your condition so that you can have a suitable treatment. When it comes to treatment, what kind of treatment is chosen should depend on your real condition. Generally, for bacterial prostatitis, if it is acute one, the often-used treatments include antibiotics and diuretic and anti-inflammation pill. patients usually need to take antibiotic medicine for 14 days. Almost all acute infections can be cured with this treatment. Or they can take diuretic and anti-inflammation pill, the natural and green herbal medicine , which may take effect more slowly than antibiotics but it is more healthier and secure without side effect .If the prostatitis is chronic, antibiotics is taken for a longer period of time, usually 4 to 12 weeks. About 75% of all cases of chronic infectious prostatitis will clear up with this treatment. But antibiotics will produce drug resistance after taking it for a long time, which will cause relapse the the symptoms come and go. Or, you can take diuretic and anti-inflammation pill ,or take it along withwarm sitz baths(sitting in two to three inches of warm water)-one of the home remedies for proststitis. This is the most conservative treatment for chronic prostatitis. All the cases can be cured with diuretic and anti-inflammation pill with on drug resistence and a very low possibility to relapse. Also, surgical removal of the infected portions of the prostate is available to be adopted. A doctor may advise this treatment for severe cases of chronic prostatitis or for men whose swollen prostate is blocking the flow of urine. But you’d better think twice to such extreme way. Then, for nonbacterial prostatitis, such condition accounts for 90% of prostatitis. At this moment, antibiotics should be knocked out and is unable to do anything. But diuretic and anti-inflammation is still available. I can’t help praising its diligence and omnipotence. It can kill various bacteria and virus in your body within three months, which will greatly and clearly improve you condition, such as painful urination and pelvic pain as well as painful ejaculation. And by activating blood and removing stasis, it can boost blood circulation and metabolism to enhance immunity, which will foster self-heal of your body so that your frequent and urgent urination will be eliminated. It is the chronic nonbacterial prostatitis natural treatment. Finally, the personal habits are also the divers for the reappearance of symptoms. During or after the treatment. You should pay close attention to your lifestyle. In diet, you should avoid spicy food and alcohol and other trigger food , all of which will make the symptoms come and go. Moreover, the sedentary lifestyle is supposed to prohibited. More exercise and walking are perfect alternatives.