On the subject of RuneScape the lore, don't forget the quest lines. There I've encountered gothic scream Buy OSRS Gold, epic fantasy and one man's desire to bake cakes. I'll never forget all the hours which I spent at the Temple of Light, even if I sometimes wish I could. There's also Old School RuneScape through which I can travel in time to the game that I was captivated by.I've taken breaks, often during my time playing a new game, from RuneScape throughout the many years. The longest was when Evolution of Combat (also known as EoC) was released - the action bars and abilities were at war with the RuneScape part of my brain.RuneScape is, however, never finds a way to snare me. This time there was the Legacy Combat Mode, which revived the tick-based combat of the past. EoC and I are in some issues with each other; mostly due to resistance on my end, but I'm trying. Rarely.My diaries contain notes about my recent RuneScape successes, especially when I'm able to acquire a new pet that has a new skill rs2007 gold, but it has to share the space with small musings on what Indie game I've tried as well as my rants about my absence of Log Stool recipe ideas that I can make myself in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. I'm currently making my list of things I'd like to accomplish in RuneScape in the next year.