Therefore, optimizing the required Screw Terminal Blocks Manufacturers is very simple, as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4: Can be used to optimize the candidate matching circuit from the coaxial to the microstrip line. The final step is to put the matching circuit size into the 3D model, and then perform a verification simulation, as shown in Figure 6. Figure 5: The reflection coefficient of the transition section when the closed model of the matching circuit is used at the coaxial port (green curve) Figure 7: The surface current of the transition section optimized at the frequency of 10GHz can be seen from the figure, The first matching test was excellent. It is also very useful to observe and draw animation of the surface current at 10 GHz, as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7: Note on the surface current of the optimized transition section at 10GHz. In short, this simple matching circuit can make the signal transmission from coaxial cable to microstrip line less than -20dB at the target design frequency of 10GHz The reflection performance. The matching bandwidth is about 2GHz, and it is convenient and reliable to use the traditional circuit model with the connector electromagnetic model for optimization. The complete 3D electromagnetic verification solution can be supplied immediately, and the geometry has been optimized. Various transfer models from different connectors to different circuit substrates can be stored as a library, and then easily recalled in any subsequent circuit design. The integrated 3D electromagnetic tool supports keeping all design data in an AWR Design Environment (AWRDE) project file, including connectors, bound packages, enclosures or any other arbitrary three-dimensional objects. This can eliminate the risk of model misuse. For example: horizontal connectors are changed to vertical connectors; the graphical view of the design layout will immediately show which 3D model is used, which is the same as evaluating the S-parameters of the connector elsewhere 、The situation of importing AWRDE as a blind file is different. Single project files also mean easier archiving, design transfer, storage and reuse.