What exactly is Charisma from the Lost Ark GoldLost Ark features four Virtues; Wisdom, Courage, Charisma, and Kindness. While each is a specific interest for players, Charisma is a fascinating one because it allows you be trusted by NPCs within Arkesia.Players can earn either individual or collective points towards all Virtue attributes , by completing various activities in Lost Ark. Most of the time the points you receive will be distributed among the four Virtues of your character.If you do not have a particular Virtue Stat degree, you'll be stuck in the process as many NPCs won't trust you and hence they won't be interacting with you for more quests.Benefits of Increasing CharismaThe process of building Rapport in Lost Ark is also connected to the Charisma you have in the game, and the higher your overall Charisma rating is the more NPCs will want to engage with you, trust you, and will give your quests resulting in unique reward points in Arkesia.Disadvantages of Not Investing In CharismaThrough your game You will earn some more Charisma points by unlocking achievements, playing main missions as well as fighting bosses. In some instances your skins and equipment will also earn you a few Charisma points.However, if not reach the upper limit in Charisma points, then you'll not be able to interact with quite many NPCs and you will miss out on building connections with them. Concerning skins, consider reading the Lost Ark Skins guide.This is going to hinder your progress, and you'll get stuck since most NPCs will not consider you trustworthy. Also, you will be unable to participate in certain interesting quests, and unique rewards that could have been awarded to you if you spent the time in leveling upLost Ark Gold for sale the Charisma.