Quick set hot mud comes in powder form and is sold in bags with drying times that range from 5 to 210 minutes. Consequently, you do not have to worry about the crack re-showing after the hot mud dries. Then slowly pour a little quick set hot mud powder into the pan and mix it up with a 3-4 inch taping knife. My advice to DIY homeowners that want to tackle large drywall projects using quick set hot mud; use the longer drying times, e. The mixing of quick set hot mud with water triggers the setting process Flat Head Screws Factory of it. 90 minutes or more. If you need to adjust the consistency a little, add more water or hot mud powder appropriately. Quick set hot mud sets up fast and it is difficult to sand.Clean Tools Immediately after Applying phillips screws suppliers Hot Mud If you plan to use your drywall taping and mudding tools again, make sure you wash them off thoroughly immediately after applying the hot mud mixture.To make up a batch of quick set hot mud, it is best to first pour a little water into your drywall mud pan. Quick set hot mud is a great alternative to standard joint compound, particularly if you are planning to make minor drywall repairs and want to complete the drywall repair quickly. Consequently you want to limit the mixing until you are absolutely ready to begin applying it to the drywall. Standard joint compound is much easier to sand. For example, if you spend 5 minutes mixing up a batch of 20 minute hot mud, you only have 10-15 minutes of application time. Another advantage of hot mud is that it shrinks less than standard drywall. Thus hot mud is helpful for gluing filler materials into drywall holes and cracks. As a result, the pros frequently use quick set hot mud for applying their tape to the drywall, and then use standard joint compound for the top coats.g. Though the pros frequently use quick set hot mud for large drywall taping and mudding projects, I hesitate to suggest its use to weekend DIY warriors for similar size projects. After mixing the hot mud powder and water to a smooth consistency it is ready for use.Besides setting up quickly, one additional disadvantage of hot mud is that it is tougher to sand.Another reason quick set hot mud is ideal for drywall repair is that hot mud contains glue