上星期二的晚上在大圍車房附近打算食晚餐,在找了好幾間餐廳後,發現它們多是星期二休息。幸好都找一間叫"權記車仔麵",之前都沒有見過這間餐廳的(可能是我好一段時間沒有到這裡),店外出面的照片賣相不俗,那麼就“試新野”喇。 Last Tuesday night at the Taiwai nearby the garage area, I would like to have dinner outside. After reach a several restaurants that they are close because of the regular off on Tuesday. Fortunately, the restaurant called "權記車仔麵" didn't off on Tuesday. I have not seen this restaurant before (which may be for some time I did not come here), I would like to try something new. 店面其實不大,一進去左手面就是師傅煮麵的地方,右手面是客坐。若果坐了十多人的話,其實也會有點局促。挑閒日去的話,就可以慢慢享受美食帶來的感動吧!離題喇~找個坐位乖乖的坐好吧。 In fact, this restaurant is not very big. On the left-hand side is the cooking place and the right hand side is the seat. If there are about ten more people having meal together in here, a little bit crowded indeed. You can enjoy the food slowly if you choose the right time to go. OK, find the place to sit. 3個菜是$28,算是平民價喇。近火車站的店更貴呢~ 3 combination of food with noodles is only HKD28. 選了個麻吉燒,豬油渣,翼尖,麻辣汁,河粉 That the one I choose. I will explain what are they below. 這個麵真的讓我有驚喜,有令我"番兜"的感覺。 It's really amazed me. After having it, I think I will go again. Sauce 這裡有四款醬汁選擇。這次我選了麻辣汁。老闆(應該是的,站著煮麵的位置,覺得應該是叫阿權的男人),端麵過來時特別告訴我這個辣下少一點,若然覺得辣味不夠,可以再加給我(哈,看來老闆都認為我不是正宗辣妹)。老闆是對的,其實麻辣汁的味道真的很好味,而且有加花椒的,不過對我來說還是刺激了一點點(下次還是要少辣就好喇)。 There are four sauces. I chose the spicy sauce. Boss (Should be. Standing in cooking position, who should be called 阿權), especially tell me he added less spicy, if the taste is not strong enough, he can put more sauce in it (May be I look I cannot not bear so much spicy). Yeah, The boss is right, in fact, spicy sauce taste really good but for me it was a little stimulation (less spicy on next time). Cracklings 豬油渣,好吃。有豬油渣的香味,而且脆卜卜。肥⋯⋯就一定會肥喇,但如果肥是因為美食,還是覺得幸福的。(其實我這一家店我是總共來食過兩次,第二次的豬油渣沒那麼好吃,好像是漏了風很難咬的,可能是在麵泡太久吧~ 好啦,下次會先吃豬油渣。 Cracklings, Crisp bits of fried pork fat, it's delicious. There is smell good and crisp. Of course it certainly make you fat, but if fat is because of delicious food, it's worth. (In fact, this is the second time I am here. The second time cracklings are not so good, it seems soften by soaking too long in the soap~ Well, I will finish it first next time. Magishao 麻吉燒,有點蛙蛙的我其實不知道是甚麼來的。原來是有一個像魚腐的包裹著年糕。OH MY GOD!是年糕呀!甜甜的又像半溶芝士的texture, 每咬一口真的有感動呢~沒有誇張,我睡前還在想它呢! Magishao, I really do not know what is it. It turned out to be a rice cake wrapped by fish ball. OH MY GOD! Is a rice cake! Sweet and like a semi-melting cheese texture, each bite really touching me. No exaggeration, I still miss it before going to bed. Wing tips 這裡翼尖的味道……um...不是我喜歡的。咬到口中時更時落散散的感覺。 The wing tip taste ...... um ... not my type. 這一家的車仔麵,特別是那個麻吉燒,真的俘虜了我呢~下一次再去試別的菜跟汁,Yeah~~ I love the food and sauces of the restaurant. Let try the different food and sauces next time. Information 地址: 大圍積信街大圍村2街1號地鋪 Address: Shop 1, G/F, 2 Tai Wai Village Street,Chik Shun Street, Tai Wai 如何前去: 於大圍火車站步行約十分鐘。若真的找不到,可問人"潘東藥房"的位置。店是在藥房的斜對面。 地圖: 按我 How to get there: Walk about 10 mins from Taiwai Station Map: Click me 全文同步:http://levistoneks.blogspot.hk/2015/07/blog-post.html